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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/656

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C1-1. 418. 1916. 635 twenty-second, eighteen hundred and ninet -e' ht, b order of medical 0{Hcers of the Army for sauit reasdrnsTg$20,28¥),,000. Provided, That hereafter the proceblg derived from the sale of P'°°”°•· surplus cuttings of material for clothingi manufactured by the ·w§`k°f°l°thmm°°’ Quartermaster Corps of the Army shall be eposited to the credit of that appropriation out of which the material was purchased: Pro- E¤·=¤%d_;f ¤=¤- mdcd further, That hereafter sewing machines and other labor- mm' ’°°°' saving machinery used in the manufacture of clothing and equipage, motor trucks and (passenger-carrying vehicles, and band instruments, may be exchange in part payment for new machines, vehicles, and rnstlrumertlts used for the same purpose as those proposed to be exc e . Piged further, That hereafter the accounting for Arm su lies R°¤P*¤¤°¤ 0* ¤·> . . . . y couuting etc or property and the iiinng of responsibility therefor shall be according ' to suc r;gu.lations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of War. Promd further, That all the money hereinbefore appropriated §,¤gP”••» Smi¤¤¤» under the titles Subsistence of the Army; Regular supplies, Quarter- mcomiidiiriiiiviimidha master Corps; Incidental expenses, Quartermaster Corps; Transports.- °°“’°“?‘°° °" tion of the Army and its supplies; Water and sewers at military posts, and Clothing and cam& and garrison equipage, shall be disbursed and accoimted for by officer·s and agents of the Quartermaster Corps as "Supplies, Services, and Transportation, Quartermaster Corps," . and for that purpose shall constitute one frmd. Honsns ron CavaL1:r,Aarn.Lmnr, Enomnmzs, arm so roars: For § ,,, ,,,,_ the purchase of horses of ages, sex, and size as may be tprescribed by ’ the Secretary of War for remoimts, for officers enti ed to public mounts for the Cavalry, Artillery, Signal Corps, and Engineers, the United States Military Academy, service schools, and staff colleges, and for the Indian scouts, and for such Infantry and members of the Hospital Corps in field campaigns as may be required to be mormted, and the expenses incident thereto, an for the hire of employees: Provided, That the number of horses purchased under this appropria.- firgivigtbm tion, added to the number now on hand, shall be limited to the actual needs of the mounted service, including reasonable provisions for remounts, and, unless otherwise ordere lily the Secretary of War, no part of this apprpfpriation shall be (pai out for horses not purchased by contract ter competition uly invited by the Quartermaster Corps and an inspéeizltion under the direction and authority of the Secretari of War. _ en practicable, horses shall be purchased open market purin open mar et at all military posts or stations when needed, at a °'““°* maximum price to be fixed by the Secretary of Wzar: Prmndedfurther, saaamr mmm That no part of this appropriation shall be ex§ended for the purchase of any horse below the standard set by Army egulations for Cavalry and Artillery horses, except when gurchased as remounts or for instruction of cadets at the United tates Military Academy: And I’°*°P¤¤¤· providedfurther, That no part of aprirglpnatron shall be expended or polo ponies except for West Point tary Academy, and such pomes shall not be used at any other place, $2,500,000. md _ Baanaoxs arm quaarnas: or barracks, riuarters, stables, store- ,,,,B°"‘°"’ q"" houses, magazines, administration and office uildrngs, sheds, shops, and other uildings necessary for the shelter of troops, public ammals, and stores, and for administration purposes, except those piertaining to the Coast Artillery; for constructing and reparrmag pu he buildings at military posts; for hire of employees; for rent of the authorized allowance of quarters for officers acting dental surgeons on duty with the troops at posts and stations where no public quarters are available; of barracks or authorized allowance of qiiarters for noncomrnissroned officers and enlisted men on duty w ere public quarters are_not available; of grormds for cantonments, camp sites, and other military lpurposes, and of buildings or portions of buildings for occupation y troops, for use as sta les, storehouses,