636 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 418. 1916. d Hi , d f th mili oses; for the hire of recruiting s]thtil·)>nsc€§idul fair rec1iina:rt}s;Ill:>Ii·psuch furniture for the public rooms of officers messes and for officers’ quarters at military posts as may be approved by the Secretary of War; for wall lockers m permanent barracks, and refrigerators in barracks and quarters; for screen doors, window screens, storm doors and sash, and window shades for _ barracks, offices, and quarters, and for iioormg-rand framing for tents, ,¤f§§,§;“°”“ °““'d and for the National Guard when called or afted into the service I_13r<;tvi¤g~;m Hmm of the United States, $3,146,000: _Promdcd, That the Secretary of Tex? _ ’ War be, and he is hereby, authorized aud directed to acquire, by ,,,;},‘_§{‘,§‘S°f‘§’,L_ },;';,,‘{,; urchase or condemnation, such additional land at Fort Sam Houston, PU'd¤Pl>*·$- Texas, as may be Sl11t8bl8 for adlepgiate supply derigts and terminal facilities for ort Sam Houston the Southern epartment, consideringi present and future needs; and he IS further authorized and directe to commence at the earliest practicable date the construction at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, of su1table buildings, storehouses, sholia, yards, and all necessary appliances and appurtenances for the esta hshment of supply depots o the Quartermaster Corps the Medical Department, t_ e Corps Qf-EDg1DG6IB, and the Signal Corps, together with all facilities and ptrhties necessary for the opera- 8"U>¤h¤’¤<=¤, etc- tions ot said depots, including such sw1tch tracks, s1dmgs, loading, and . entraming platforms, and devices as may be necessary, said switch tracks and s1d1ngs to be connected, un er such regu ations as the Secret;2 of War may prescribe, with such main lines of railroads as are av ble and wit which arrangement for such connections can be A _ um satisfactorildy effected, equal opportumties to make such arrangements ¤"’¥"’“ to exten ed to all competing railroads; and for the purposes of this proviso the sum of $750,000 is hereby aplprorpriated an authorised to be expended, out of any moneys m e reasury not otherwise gzzgl Zone. mlm appropriated, under the direction of the Secretary o War: Promded ¤.,ma¥,'§i°” further, That the Secretary of War IS authorized to expend from the above amount not to exceed $110,000 for the purpose of roviding tergporary shelter gn the Canal Zone for one regiment ofplnfantry an one company o Engineers. C¤¤¤¤¤¤¢¤¤¤¤ rc- further, Thgt no of the moneys so agpropriated shall par or commuta on o ue or uarters to officers or enli ted cxvmmempieym. men: provided further, That the (dumber of and total sum Said for civilian employees in the Quartermaster Corps shall be limited tg the apltiipl requiremseilits of fthe sengoe, and that no employee t erein s a receive a o more t an $150 er mo th t upon the approval of the Sgcyretary of War. P D , BXCBP lQ,g=~‘{;tn$_ggg¤g;r·i_1_ _ Promdedjurther, That the Dowsett Company (Limited), a corporagg; Sctrollcld tiesn oftthe Tezgigtotigy Io; Hawaaé, aésgtglnee of l1;heIthirty(-iyearilpjasehold ‘ ~· ““’*“· in eres arvey . the t fourteent , eighteen hundred and eighty,-tvgb, (ihstlanilse nowmggiisi pvrised within the military reservation ofySchoiield Barracks, in the _err1tory of Hawaii, an its sublessees, be, and they are hereby, gg§r;`(p;;em1:;slis1oé16cto trprrtriowgewwithin séich tmze aifutelp ttl; passage og as e re 0 ar ma es a e, 1 1; byltpem, 1§)s e1yEou“sr§ld landidurinlglthe term oLi1thd1§;idrg(;i,¢;i- _ _ n ease y_ . 'tney, ut not incl ding f th F¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ <>¤ fe¤¤r¤· improvements: Provided further, That in the evlelnt of t?lil§(i·Sf;>.illu(i-e gd remove the same such time as the Secretary of War may designate, shall become the property of the United p States as provided in sand original lease. (,;§n;P,§e;,”*g§.‘g{fj%gQf;_ For repiaarrs to buildings, wharves, roads, and replacement of boats sem. at Forts arraucas, Mc ee, and Pickens, Florida, and Fort Mo Alabama, damaged by the hurricane of July fifth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, $50,000. "°S‘°’°°*“*¤¢°s- Mmrranr rosr nxcnlmens: For continuing the construction equipment, and maintenance of suitable buildings at military posts
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