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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/658

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SIXTY·FOU"RTH CONGRESS. Szss. I. Crt. 418. 1916. 637 and stations for the conduct of the thexch e, school, library, readipjg, l1mch, amusement rooms, anysymnasiililig, including repairs §gf_'gg”*°¤,§’8.‘g¥*‘¥'¤¤* to b din§1 at private cost, in the operation of the Act ’ p` ` approved a thirty-first, nineteen hundred an two, for the rental o_ Elms, purcllase of slides, supplies for and making repairs to movingpicture outfits, to be eiqwide in the discretion and under the direction of the Secretary of ar, $48,592. ROADs_, wALKs, wnanvns, AND DnArNAen: For the construction §*§§£P°°$k,ks and repair by the Qluartermaster Corps of roads, walks, and wharves; whammic. ’ for the pay of employees; for the disposal of drainage; for dredging channels 5 and for care and improvement of grounds at military posts and SUBHODS, $860,534:_Promded, That $6,000 of this sum ma be _{;°,g{";{m umm used for repauing the military road in front of the east side of Arling- ry' ton Cemeteqil _ Provided, at not to ezrceed $30,000 thereof shall be expended in FP'“¤“*°c_,f‘ 8*** the Premdio of San Francisco California for the construction of a cummuugma road connecting Fort Wmiield Scott with the road constructed by the city and cormty of San Francisco leading to Fort Miley, in said cit and county. - _ ,~ - _ 'llhat the United States hereby consents to the closing and abandon- ,,,Q,§,f;"{,*{'gm‘g“°§,S¤u,g({ mg of such public streets or parts of public streets in the city and ty. fo? noiinal school county of San Francisco lying north of Ton uin Street therein and Eff] Sm F'°”°°°°’ east o the eastern boundary o the Presidio of‘San Francisco and within the site heretofore selected by the trustees of the Califomia State Normal School of San Francisco in accordance with an act of the Legislature of California; and the United States hereby waives claim to said streets within said site and herebg grantsto the State of California for the uses and purposes of said tate Normal School all title u of the United States thereto; and to eifect the purposes hereof the At- ceedings. on W torney General of the United States is here y authorized and requested to cause appearance to be made in the name and on behalf of the United States in any suit to condemn the propert&{vithin said site for the uses and prigposes of said State Normal ool in the courts of the State of C 'fornia wherein the State of California is laintiif, and in said suit, upon reairfuest of the attomoy general of the State of California, to file on beh of the United States a disclaimer on its part of any interest in said streets or the land embraced within said portions of said streets and within said site: Provided mgmu mm That in the event said streets shall not be closed and in the event said used. site so selected is not used for the pugploses of said State Normal School all rights of the United States sh be and remain as they are at the time of the passage of this Act. P hem Eb That the Secretary 0 War is hereby authorized to grant to the mramctmpny. _ Panama-Pacific Intemational Exposition Compantymand its successors ¥,,,‘Q‘§$,‘{',‘*§m§§ p,‘?,,Y'§$§’,{ in interest a permit to occupy such portion of Presidio of San <>rP¤1=¤=¤¤fFi¤¤A¤¤- Francisco Military Reservation as may be designated by the Secretary of War for the u hereinafter set forth, subject to the said privile e bein revollreli at any time when, in the opinion of the Secretary of %Var, tge military necessities of the United tates shall require the use of said ortion of said Presidio of San Francisco Military Reservation, for 5re purpose of maintaining thereon, making repairs upon, or alterations rn said Palace of Fine Arts and its appurtenances, a preaches, and planting about the same for the use of said Panama- Ppaciiic International Exposition Company and its successors in mter- Mmcdm cmd m est; and the United States hereby cedes to the State of Cahforma emma such `urisdiction over said elportion of said military reservation as the said State now possesses ewhere within its territory, such cession to be coextensive territorially with the lands, the use whereof may be granted to the Panama-Pacific Intemational Exposition Company and its successors by the Secretary of War in accordance herewrt and to terminate without further action on the part of the State of