SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 418. 1916. 643 lots of ammunition to complete the obj act of this proviso the existing ¤°§°‘”P°*~‘“°° ”*°°*· laws prescribing competition in the procurement of supplies by ` purchase shall not govern in orders not to exceed $50,000 in any one case. Sung.-anus ranom ruaomcn: For manufacture and purchase of '§;‘;§°‘,,,P"°*,,,,n,*”-and ammumtion, targets, and other accessories for small-arms, hand, imrchm of wmuuland machine-gun target_ practice and instruction; marksmen’s °i°”‘°°"°°“’°t°" I"' medals, prize arms, and insignia for all arms of the service; and ammunition, targets, target materials, and other accessories may be issued for small-arms target practice and instruction of ablebodied males capable of bearing arms and at the educational institutions a.nd State soldiers’ and sailors’ orphans’ homes to which issues of small arms are lawfully made, under such regulations as the Secretary of War may prescribe, provided the total value of the stores so issued to the e ucational institutions and homes does not exceed $30,000, $3,000,000. ‘ Provided, That not more than $1,500,000 of this appro riation may _f§,,§’g"’,,,,; M Pug be used for the purchase of articles not manufacturedlby the Gov- <=1¤~¤¤¤· ernment and necessary for small-arms target practice. A MANUFACTUBE or anus: For manufacturing, repairing, procuring, °"°·· and arms at the national armories, $5,000,000. » Provid , That_$20Q,000 of this appropriation may be used to ·{·`,?,,,"Ff‘{;,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ procure gauges dies, ]1gS,_t•00l§, fixtures, and other special aids and bv Priappliances, including specifications and detailed drawings, necessary _,,,,,,,,_2,5_ for the manufacture bKkprivate`manufact1uers, of arms necessary to arm the land forces ely to be reqluired by the United States in · time of war, and in the purchase of ots of arms to complete the “‘°‘“‘ object of this proviso the existing laws prescribing competition in the procurement of supplies by purchase shall not govern in orders _ not to exceed $50,000 in any one case. ‘ The Secretary of War is hereby authorized to issue, under such ,"§*,¥j,”,'€,§§°;,,ub,_ rules and regulations as he may prescribe, for use in target practice, ¤¤=.f¤r. targgts, target materials, and other necemary accessories, to ride clu organized under the rules of the National Board for the Promotion of Ride Practice and to schools having a rmiformed corps of cadets and carrying on military training, in sudicient number for the proper conduct of target practice. _ ORDNANCE sronns AND surruns: For overhauling, cleaniqgg ,,,,,’§§°"*“‘·°‘°··°"‘ re airing, and preserving ordnance and ordnance stores 111 the han ofp troops and at the arsenals, posts, and depots; for purchase and manufacture of ordnance stores to fill requisitions of troops; for Infantry, Cavalry, and Artillery equipments, including horse equipments for Cavalry and Artilleig, $9,500,000. _ _ _ _ Provided, That not more an $5,600,000 of this appropriation f"f_{’}',‘,·"’,,,, ,0, pup ma be used for the urchase of ordnance stores. _ emma The Secretary of %81‘ is hereby authorized to sell, at the prices $,*3,, uhm ,0_ fixed and pubhshed by the Chief of Ordnance, to the Government of autnuim. Cuba such articles and quantities of ordnance and ordnance stores as may be desired by that Government for the equilpment of its troops and as may be approved by the President of the mted States. mm N ATIONAL raornx nm rmnans Fon mann corrrnsrsz For the pur- ·mph°y°,°lmec¤1s, se of furnishing a. national trophy and medals and other prizes to P"‘“·°“··‘“‘· K2 provided and contested for annually, under such regulations as may be prescribed bmhe Secretary of War, said contest to be open to_the Army, Navy, rine Corps, and the National Guard or Organized Militia of the several States, Territories, and of the District of Columbia, members of rifle clubs, and civilians, and for the cost of the trophy, prizes, and medals herein pTr0vided for, and for the promotion of ride practice throughout the nited States, including the reimbursement of necessary e of members of the N atnonal Board for the Promotion of Ride tice, to be expended for the purposes
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