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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/665

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(M4 SIXTY·FOUYRTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 418. 1916. hereinbefore prescribed under the direction of the Secretary of War, 10,000. .·*¤°°¤¤**= wm S Avrouarro rncrrmr: mums: For the purchase, manufacture, and tmriuiremss, mmuae- test of automatic machine rifles, including their sights e<5u1p- °“'°*'°°‘ ments, to be available until the close of thediscal year ending une thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eighteen, $6,000,000. F·¤ N¤**¤¤¤ Gm Amemarro rncmsn nnmns: For the purchase, manufacture, and test of automatic machine rifles, including their sights and egmpments for the National Guard, to be available until the close 0 the Hscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eighteen, $6,000,000.

    • '¤¤•**¤'°**¤°¤· Amronnn Moron cans: For the purchase and manufacture of

armored motor cars. $500,000.

‘}·¤,,,, Finn aa·rn.r.mrr mn Narrows;. Guam: For the purpose of man-

•*'=*¤¤¤ ¤¤*¤‘*·¤*°*- ufaeturing field artillery material for the National Guard of the several States, Territories, and the District of Columbia, but to remam the property of the United States and to be accounted for m the manner now prescribed by law, the Secretary of lN'ar is hereby authorized, under such regulations as he may prescribe, ,0n the requxsrtions of the governors of the several States and Territories or the commanding general of the National Guard of the District of Columbia, to issue said artillery material to the National Guard; and the sum of $10,000,000 is hereby a propriated and made immediately available and to remain availabl; imtil the end of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eighteen, for the manufacture and issue of the articles

 M pu,. constituting the same: Provided, That not more than $5 000,000 of
  • ’*’“°°- this appropriatron may be used for the purchase of field artillery

ma . ,,,%*”,;'f¤****¤· ”°“ Ammmrrorr ron Fume Anrmmnr ron run Narroxar Guam): Mnnuncmrmr re- For the oi manufacturini reserve ammunition for Field °°"°° Artillery or the National Guard of the several States, Territories, and the District of Colmnbia, the funds to be immediately available, and to remain available until the end of the fiscal year ending June PWM thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eighteen, $10,000,000. Amount zu W. Provided, That not more than_$5,000,000 of this appropriation °°;_:-is M mma _ ma; be used rn of Field Artillery reserve anummition. acme by piivate rovidcdfurdter, t not more than 0200,000 of this appropriation

      • ,6 P_,,,_ may be used to gauges, dies, jigs, tools. fixtures, and other

gona] ards an appliances, mcluding specitications and detailed _ wmgsnecessary or_ the manufacture b private manufacturers of C km mod, Field artillery ammunition necessary for the use of the land forces of ° ¤,,,‘j""’°“‘ ‘ the United States m time of war, and in the purchase of lots of ammunition to complete the obipct of this proviso the existing laws rescnbing competition m the procurement of supplies by purclilase shall not govern m orders not to exceed $50 000 m any one case. Y°·’<“°¤=¤*¤*·°¤·¢°· Provided further, That the appropriations hereinbefore made under the heading "Ordnance Department" shall be available for the pay- ment qf_ an allowance not‘to exceed $4 per day in lieu of subsistence to c1v1han_ employees of the Ordnance De artment trave on ofiicial busmess outside of the District of Columbia and lawsg·rom their designated posts of duty. §;Y°};*t‘,;m 0,, as That the President is authorized to appoint,-and, by and with the gm iduugiuz. ow- advice and consent of the Senate, to commission to the de of Erst mi lieutenant m the Quartermaster Corps, United States my a pay clerk of over thirty-one years} service, now in active service, aiid who ililaésubeen recommended by the then Secretary of War for such appoint- Fort Riley Kaus. ° . Repeat; wma ae That for the re lacement of a brndve across the Re u li R' gg, m§°P¤*>*m¤ near Fort Riley, §ansas, under the di;ection of the Sedieb mmf uae! tary 0 W r, $30 000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and the Treasurer fthe United States ishcreb d` t d d J ' of y u·ec e an authorized to retain, out 0 any moneys due or that may become due from the Government oi