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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/666

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SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 418. 1916. 645 the United States to the State of Kansas, a sum equal to the amount ex$1nded for the replacement of said bridge. e President, m time of war, is empowered, through the Secretary ¤,§*,¥g’,*;_”°**°¤ 0* of War to take possession and assume control of any s tem or sys- nxciuim mm u tems of transportation, or any part thereof, and to uti& the same, °”°°'""""m° °‘ “' to the exclusion as far as may be necessary of all other trailic thereon, for the transfer or transportation of troops, war material and equipment, or for such other urposes connected with the emergency as may be needful or desiralile. NATIONAL GUARD. N¤¢¤¤·¤¤ G¤¤r<1- Anumo, 1=iqU1r1>1tNo, AND TRAINING run NATIONAL GUARD: To §,,,°'$,, ,,,,,_,,,,,_ ppovide for the purchase, under such regulations as the Secretary of 4¤¢¢.1>·$¤6· ar may prescribe, of horses conforming to the Regular Army standards for_the use of Field Artillery, Cavalry, signal companies, engineer companies, ambulance companies, and other mounted units of the lgational gvuaril), saiddhoiisjs po r;p5-pin the property of the United Rmbmu use tatesan to euse so or " urposes. orsesso - °' · chased may be issued not Et exceed tt‘hlgt§—two-to pay one battggly, troop, or company, or four to a. battalion or headquarters,

n6l%1;N;·such regulations as the Secretary e War may prescribe,

5 , . To provide for the procurement of forage, bedding, shoeing, yéliél'- F°'°‘°* °“'°* "“" inaryservice, and su plies for horses that may be owned by, or issued to organizations of {gm National Guard, $25,000. . To provide for the compensation of competent help for the care of ;,,,P,'§¥,,,‘f§?‘°° "‘“' matériel, animals and equipment thereof, under suc regulations as ggggew the Secret of War may prescribe: Provided, That the men to be ' com nsati;3 not to exceed Eve for each battery, troop, or company, shallw be duly enlisted therein and shall be detailed by the battery, troop, or company commander under such refulations as the Secret of War may prescribe, and shall be pai by the United States gilslhursing officer in each State, Territory, and the District of Columia, $25,000. . To provide for the participation of the whole or any part of the Agykgmpmmg National Guard in encampments, maneuvers, or other exercises, m- ""j,",f,'jf§,{’;,,;’,{°· 'cluding outdoor target practice and field and const-defense mstruc— tion, either independently or in conjunction with ani. part of the Regular Army, and there mag be set aside from the fun apportioned for that ggurpose and allotte to any State, Temtory, or the District of Colum ia such portion of said funds as may be necessary for the payment, subsistence, transsortation, other p1·'ciper_ expenses of such portion of the Nation Guard of said State, emtory, or the District of Columbia as shall participate m such encampments, ma- I neuvers, or other exercises, including outdoor target practice and ,,_y’é,c_,au°m,_ field and coast-defense instruction; and the officers and enlisted men of such National Guard while so engaged shall be entitled to the same pay, subsistence, and transportation as officers and enlisted men of corresponding ades of the Regular Army are or hereafter may be Nmm, Gum, ,¤_ entitled to by lim; To provide for camfps of mstruction for the m- mXctm£mw.mm struction of officers and enlisted men o the National Guard. Such d,,,{}"" °°" campls shall be conducted by officers of the Regular Army detailed A¤*¢·P·2°"· by t_ e Secretary of War for the purpose, and may be located either within or without the State, 'l`err1tory, or District of Columbia to which the members of the National Guard designated to attend said hy,m_,“mm_ cam shall belong. Officers and enlisted men attend'? such caing ms shallls be entitled to pay and transportation, and enlis men to su sistence in addition at the same rates as for encampments or·ma.neuvers for field and coast-defense mstruction. To be nnmediately avail- Pwm___ able, $500,000: Pmmded, That of this sum $100,000, or as much