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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/667

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646 SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 4181. 816. _ ’*"°°’P°"‘“°° °‘ thereof as may be necessary is authorized to- be expended for the Amytmom payment oftransportation of’troops of the Regular Army in connecmm M, by tion with ]omt camps of instruction of the National Guard: Promkled ¤$§_,•f=,,•f*;j'g_ {urther, That hereafter nothing in the Act of February fourth, eighteen undred and eighty-seven, known as the Act to regulate commerce, or any amendments thereto, shall be construed to prohibit any common earner from giving reduced rates for members of National Guard

1ons traveling to and from jomt encampments with the Reg-

Army. I¤==r¤cti¤¤ at Army To provide for the attendance of selected Hi nlisted '°°j.u°”`,,,m, we National Grlrard vghpl piérsue (ii regular lconigsslg gf. sandy at TE; aepum. t tary servicesc oo o the nite States except the United St tes Hihtary Aeademdy; or to be attached to an organization of the sgme aliimi bcglrps,. gr epatrltznent, to which such o or enlisted men m r s _ ong _ or rou e prac_ mstruction at or near an Arm t qc, ‘°° my during a of iield traming or other outdoor exercises; sldutgh officer or enhsted men shall receive out of any National Guard allot-_ rsigitilxf fimdgragoalzlrglilemipgntlag purpose, the gazrlrie travel allowance _ _ uarters an e same a - ance, and subsistence to which officers or enlisted men of theyR§g¤l)l:r Army would entitled for attending such school, college or practical course of mstruction under orders from proper military huthority Pmvm whrle m actual attendance at_such school,col1ege, or practical course rmrma. g10mstructionzh$50,000;1 Provided, That in no case shall the pay and Om I l wancesau orized eremexceedthose f t . umu. Buxgu, t° To provide for pay and allowances of offigerd dftlthzlrlilational Guard md db ams $1odg1;:g in th?M1ht1a Burela.3;§12,000. ,,,,,,,,,’*°P°*‘g,° mn _ _ pay o roperty u1—smg' Hi 2:-r,é’p.m, wp. States, Territories, and District oilnffolumbia, $42,1ggS of the Seven] uma. W M Fer provnding arms, ordnance stores, quartermaster stores cam ipv- . . equrpage, and all other mihtlgiy supplies for issue to the Niationg Guargd; {Sor the prornotnon of d e practice, including the acquisition cons ruc ion, mam enan e · suitable target raniges; fhr the ;l11?l0td]1?:2iftgi?·al1li§1rd$safE:>é the oflmounte troops, batteries, and wagons; for forage for the zxhie, an for such other incidental expenses in connection with lawth y Sgigithonzed encampments, maneuvers, and field instruction as e retary of War m§y deem necessary; and for such other ex- . §&,g,,_m’ Mom tp the atnonal Guard as are now or may hereafter trlsgabrlity lgirpmperty _ on y aw} slyoooyomz tl]6 Secret, of w£b:r¤&'¤B$_¢<> De War nsfhereby authorized to reheve any State, Territo , or thflxstnct ot Columgia from further accoimtability for allllgnited States proper { issue thereto for the use of the Organized Militia thereof which the records of the War Department show to have bee l t uma. sums. destroyed prior to December thirt -6 D 0S or C,,,,,,,,,’ my x_ To .d f h y rst, mneteen hundred aud eleven. · Wm P am Ming plrgovi e or the_ necessary clerical and office expenses of the . - - 18 ureau authorized by section sixty-seven of the Act a roved Jfme third, Z2J11 hundred and sixteen: Chief clerk, PS2 000- c erks— wo o c our, of class three seven f I ’ ’ Bfteen of class one, eight at $1 000 h- , · 0 C ESQ two’ ··-···-me mssssszmssssr if ·:·§·=* "`“’ ”““‘“”‘ XPGQSGS, mcu ¤ statione fur-nit ml h d an h -rY* ul"? . °· Tmel of Federal §1‘4;nIQ};00 ep one service, and necessary printing and bihdmg, <>¤i¤¤¤ fer inspection, ave of Federal officers in C ‘ · - - M . _ arry1ng_out the provrsnons of section am, pas, of the Act of Jrme third, nineteen hundred and sixteen, rave of inspector—instru to d · . . . Ammmmn SWR Stations for duty and smfrsngg t?;ll§,;§;Lnf]?;°i1u`u°?°’S» J°ming at · · . Y W1 re ents $7 500 rms., Trayel of inspector—mstructo1s in making visits 0 u'l]i ti ’ ai L"""‘ armories, $30,000: Provided, That said inspectoninstructorsc tgllvel-