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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/668

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 418. 1916. 647 ing shall not receive more than their actual expenses out of these apgopnations · _ avel of Federal officers in connection with State camps of instruc- ,,,2,* ° ‘ ° *"““"°“°¤ tion and joint camps, $30,000; °°' Inspection of target ranges and mobilization camps for use of the ,,,Q°"8°" "‘“l’°°“°°· Nsinpnal Guarq, $1,000;l ` pection 0 materia pertainin to Field Artille and S` al I“"°°““*"'““""* Cognugi the hands of the National Guard, $2,000; ry lgn portation of suggilies (including transportation of animals °“P‘ bought or the use of avalry, Field Artillery, signal companies Engineer com§anies, ambulance companies, and other mounted umts) of the ational Guard, $75,000; _ of sergeant—instruct0rs on duty with the National Guard, §°,,'%*”,‘§,{*'“°‘°"'· nsiggnmo quarters, fuel, light, med1cines, and medical attendance, i Prwided, That whenever practicable inspeetoninstructors shall SEQ' use the State armories for offices; guiiicnl rent of inlspectogggnstmcwm, $12,%0(;. 2’“°° ““‘“ · temoney rein orea roriate orarm1ng° ui , · and training the National Guard) 211151 be disbursed and for as such and for that purpose shall constitute one fund. Anus, mrmoams, nomrunivr, aim so romu, Nnroun. Guann: ,,,;,*',,g','f· °“*· '°' Md To procure by purchase or manufacture and issue from time to time Am. r- 203- to the National Guard upon requisition of the governors of the several States and Territories, or the commanding general, National Guard of the District of Columbia, such number of United States service arms with all accessories, Field Artillery and Coast Artille material, engineer, signal, and samtary material, accouterments, fieliluniforms, clothing, equipage, publications, and military stores of all kinds, including public animals, as are necessary to arm, uniform, and equip for Held service the National Guard in the several States, Territories, and the District of Columbia: Provided That of the sum herein appropriated $76,000, or so much thereof as may be rgquired, many, ‘ "°""”“°"‘“" in the discretion of the Secretary of War, be made av able for the purchase and maintenance of material and equipment necessary for the proper instruction in military aviation 0 such officers and enlisted men of the National Guard as mag be authorized by the _ War Department to attend the United tates Aviation School, $2,000,000. Rumors Fon Frmin Anrmnmnr raaenr rnacncnz For the acquisi- ,.·,'§,‘},'¤°_{ "“‘¤"·‘ '°' tion by purchase or condemnation of the necessary land for suitable ¤¤•- mum Pm. ran for Field Artillery target practice, the land to be of such generalgiisiiaracter as to permit of use for instruction of troops of other arms to be located within the eastern and western military departments, and to defray the expenses incident to locating and acquiring title thereto, $300,000. Imadmwmmw Surrarmo AND nxcnmeme INFANTTBY momnrnm, NATIONAL .q¤;pme¤¢,m Gvann: For the purpose of manufacturing, procuring, exchanging, ***’*·P·’°*·‘ and issuing mode o nineteen hundred and ten eq§1pment to the Infantry and other dismounted organizations of the ational Guard _ of the several States, Territories, and the District of Columbia: Pro- nsquaiiiem mr, ew. vided, That whenever in the opinion of the Secretary of War a sumcient number of Infantry equipment, model of nineteen hundred and ten, shall have been procured and shall be available for the purpose the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to issue on_the requisition of the governors of the several States and Territories, or the commanding general of the District of Columbia _National Gnard such numbers thereof as are required for equippixthe National Guard in said States, Territories, and the District of lumbia, without charging the cost or value thereof or any expenses connected