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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/669

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648 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 418. 1916. ' an allotments to said States, Territories, or the R°°°"’*“"‘""°°“'"" llIi;?·i7;l;tgf lumbia:yPrmnkZed, That the equipment thus issued shall msi be receipted for and shall remain the property of the United States and be annual] accounted for by the governors of the several States, Territories, and, the comm general of the District of Columbaa ,,§§§""‘* °°°‘* °"'i°" National Guard as now m& by law, and that each State, Terntory, and the District of lumbia shall, upon receipt of new equipment, t1u·n in to the Ordnance Department of the United States Army, without receiving an money creght therefor and without expense for transportation ofxhifantry equipment new m its possession, the party of the United States, and replaced by articles of the modelpdgninetoeu hundred and ten equ1pment,_$400,000. mmguu avnum To establish and maintain indoor and outdoor rdie xges for the

  • "j',°§§;‘·M,1 use of all able4¥»od*`ied males capable of bearing arms, er reason-

' able re ations to be prescribed by the National Board for Promo- ,,,g*'§- ““""““’“°"· tion of Qliile Practice and approved by the of War; to pro- ' ° vide standard arms and ammunition, oor gallery rifles and ammunition; for the employment of labor in connection with the establishment of outdoor and indoor riiio ranges, mcluding labor in · operating targets; for the cmglo ont of instructors; for clerical services; for prizes, trophies,_ edge, and other ms1gn.1a; for the transportation of employees, mstructors, and p1V1.l1&DS to engage in ctnce; for the purchase of materials, supplies, and services, and ¥d.:oxpenses incidental to instruction of citizens of the United States in marksmanship, to be expended under the direction of the Secmtaeir

  • ‘~·*··- . of War and to remain available until expended, $300,000: Prwid
p.Cmm That the President bc, and he is bomb , authorized, in his discretion,

to ‘ point, as Director of Civilian , under the direction ofzhe Secretary of War, an officer of theArmyorof the Manne ¤§n***=·¤ °**'¤i¤¢ provide for the expense of maintaining, upon military reservay,T,,,,,,,,,,_ tions or elsewhere, camps for tho military instruction and training of .4m,p.m. such citizens as may be selected for such instruction and traimng under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of War, and to furnish to said citizens the subsistence, trans ortation, and uniforms authorized by the Act of Congress approvod Jiino third, ‘ §°{§'{,?,°,g,,,,,, my ,0, nineteen hundred_and sixteen, $2,000,000: Prmru£d, That so much ¤¤¤¤¤<¤¤¢*¤1°¤’~ of this appropriation as may be necessary shall be available for the _ subsistence and transportation of all persons between the ages of eighteen and forty·-five years who have attended any camp authorized by the Secretary of War dining the calendar year nineteen Tmmpming dm hundred and sixteen. _ _ mmswmaha. For the pawent of transportation of teams authonzed by the Secreta o ar to participate in the national matches, $60,000: f,’;,°l;'_§;u“;,nmm, 0 , Pmvkleg That this amount shall be proportioned among the several ¤¤¤¤¤m¢- States, Territories, and the District of Columbia, according to the distance from the seat of government to the place where the national S°'°°“°° °"*’°“"· matches are to behold: And further, That the governors of the States or Temtones or the Board of Commissioners of the Distriet of Columbia may designate which team or teams shall attend No my to Umm, from their rerlspectxve States, Territories, or District of Columbia. te., mg ememm Prwuled, _ at no part of the appropriations made in this Act }§,'{,‘§,$o‘}{'f{,1'f,§;§,,°f··°“°' shall be ava1lable·for the salary or pay of any ofzhcer, manager, superintendent, foreman, or other person havin charge of the work of any emlployee of the United States while maéing or causing to be made wit a stop watch, or other time-measuring device, a time study of ani yob of agxiy such employee between the starting and completion thereof, or the movements of any such employee while

 upon such worlz; nor shall any part of the appropriations

made m this Act be available to pay any premium or bonus or cash reward to any employee in addition to his regular wages, except for