SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 418. 1916. 649 suggestions resultin in im rovements or econ m in the o ati of';1l:y Gcilvernmentgnlant. P Q y Per on at_t e sum of $2,000,000 is hereb appropriated out of an ¤¤¤¤¤¤i¤¤<>¢ l money in the not otherwise apyrogiiiatgd, to be e ded ? °£il•°?•g under the direction 0 the Secretary of gllar, and under such rules “°',¥,{,°}’·p 8,,, and regulations as he may prescribe, for the support of, at a cost of ’ I l not more than $50 ger mont , or so much of said amount as the Secretary of War may eem necessary, and not more than such enlisted man has been contributing monthly to the support of his family at the time of his being calle or drafted into the service of the United States or during his enlistment period in the Regular Arm at the time of such call or draft of the Organized Militia or National Guard, the family of each enlisted man of the Organized Militia or National . Guard called or drafted into the service of the United States until his discharge from such service, and the family of each enlisted man mgf ·_}_{g‘,Y @5m*g of the Regular Army until his discharge from active service therein G¤¤¤1<1i¤¤h¤rr¤<1· or until the discharge of the Organized Militia or National Guard from such service if such enlisted man is at that time in active service in the Regular Army, which family during the term of service of such enlisted man has no other income, except the gay of such enlisted man, adeqnate for the support of said family: mvided, That the {gg',§g"b, S action of the Secretary of ar in all cases provided for in this para- ¤rw¤¤mn,·¤- $aph shall be final, and no rifght to prosecute a suit in the Court of aims or m any other court o the United States against the Government of the United States shall accrue to such enlisted man, or to any member of the family of any such enlmsted man,_by virtue of the passage of this Act: Amt provided further, That this fparzgra h shall m¥¤¤’*¤¤• ¤¤¤·*¢¤¤¤· not appl to any such enlisted man who shall marry a ter e &teeuth ` day of Jiilg, nineteen hundred and sixteen; and the word "family" shall inclu e only wife, children, and dependent mothers. That no part of the appropriations made in this Act shall be avail- §§,#_°,§'$*¤;,, my able for the salary or pag of any person hereafter, in time of ace <>;¤¤¤¤} avvomud un gppointed an officer in the Army who is not a citizen of the Ilxiited t m°° p°°°°° tates. That section one hundred and twenty-five of the Act entitled "An ‘,}*;¤'°°‘§“g;‘};°m W Act for further and more effectual provision for the national defense smém. and for other purposes," approved June third, nineteen hundred and ‘"‘”’ p' m° sixteen, shall app y to the oast Guard in the same manner as to the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps. §,°,§§‘}’*{{,",_; ummm That section forty-seven hundred and sixteen of the Revised ngelgd- rl gm Statutes be, and the same is hereby, rggaaled. .·eg.,;.i;&}`°° °’°‘ ’ Src. 2. That a Council of National lense is hereby established D,,,‘g,,“§§“ °‘ N““""°’ for the coordination of industries and resources for the national commensusecurit and welfare, to consist of the Secretary of War, the Secretary of, the Na , the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretarymcglf Agriculture, thelgecretary of Commerce, and the Secretary of La _. A That the Council of National Defense shall nominate to the Presi- ,;.,¤d¤.'*”bP,pp¤°i¤°`”°*t,¤. dent, and the President shall appoint, an advisory commission, con- ,,,§g°°*°’ ‘1““‘“""’ sisting of not more than seven persons, each of whom shall have special know edge of some industry), public utility, or the development of some natural resource, or e otherwise specially quahiie , in the opinion of the council, for the Eerforniance of the dut1es hereinafter Emmmwd provided. The members of the advisory commission shall serve without compensation, but shall be allowed actual expenses of travel and subsistence when attending meetings of the commission or engaged in investigations pertaining to its activities. The advisory ¥°°°“"‘ commission shall hold such meetings as shall be called by the council or be provided by the rules and regulations adopted by the council for the conduct of its Work. _ _ an W mnt, That it shall be the duty of the Council of National Defense to p,,,,%°§g'§_ Supervise and direct investigations and make recommendations to
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