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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/86

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SIXTY—FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C1-1. 12. 1917. 67 War under the law to attend encampments, maneuvers, or other exercises of the National Guard. To provide for the attendance of selected officers or enlisted men of sci,E',’Q,§‘°"°" ‘“ A‘“" the National Guard who pursue a regular course of stud at any military service school of the United tates except the gnited States Military Academy; or to be attached to an organization of the same At p°““‘ arm, coiéps, or department to which such officers or enlisted men shall belong, or routine practical instruction at or near an Army post durin¤· a period of tie d training or other outdoor exercises; and such ,,,§u°*“‘°°‘“ ‘°' P“Y» oishcers or enlisted men shall receive out of any National Guard allotment of funds available for the fpurpose, the same travel allowances and quarters or commutation 0 quarters, and the same play, allowance, and subsistence to which officers or enlisted men of the Regular Army would be entitled for attending such school, college, or practical course of instruction under orders from proper military authority while in actual attendance at such school, colle e, or practical course P of instruction: Provided, That in no case shall t}§e pay and allowances ri°§°u“i'iia. authorized herein exceed those of a captain, $150,000. Om To provide for pay and allowances of officers of the National Guard in1ms°°1i°mé‘ié?E°° d t° assigned to duty m the Militia Bureau, $12,000. Pm _ To provide for pay of pro erty and disbursing officers of the sev- bmsinpgtiieeiliid dl" eral States, Territories, and Il)istrict of Columbia, $60,000. Arms For providing arms, ordnance stores, quartermaster stores, cam sam, iaiiliiiii-tgiiii equipage, and all other military supplies for issue to the Nationg “°°·°“°“°*P'“°°”·°*°· Guard; for the promotion of rifle practice, including the acquisition - construction, maintenance, and equiplment of shooting galleries and suitable target ranges; for the hire of orses and draft ammals for the 11se of mounted troops, batteries, and wagons; for forage for the same; and for such other incidental expenses in connection with lawfully authorized encampments, maneuvers, and Held instruction as the Secretary of War may deem necessary; and for such other expenses pertainingi to the National Guard as are now or may hereafter be P,,,,,,,,,_ authorize bylaw, $2,000,000: Prmnkied, That not exceeding $125,0001 um-isxmraiaarub of said sum shall be available for procurement by urchase or con- °" °°mp°’°°°° demnation of lands in the Eastern and Western D?artments for encampments and ranges for Field Artillery of the egular Army 8.11d the N8.ti0I1&l GUM . National Guard For the urchase of a rifle range for the use of the District of D-0. ’ Columbia l\l)ational Guard, upon a suitable site to be selected by the m°°'°"‘°‘°" Secrets of War, $50,000. Disposal or mgm: PTO¢)'gd, That when any land which has been heretofore or may num, etc., unavailbe hereafter ac uired by purchase for a target range for the use of the °°'°‘ National Guard] of an State, Territory, or the District of Columbia, shall have become useless or shall be found to be unavailable for such purpose, the Secretary of War may cause the same to be sold either m whole or in two or more parts as he may deem best for the inter- A i I me m ests of the United States. In the disposal of such property, the ’ ’ ’ Secretary of War shall cause the same to be appraised either as a whole or in two or more tracts, having due reference to the requirements of any permanent improvements made thereon; and he shall cause the property to be offered at public or private sale at not less D. ,0, than the appraised value. The expenses for advertising, a praise- exe. ’ ment, survey, and sale shall be paid from the proceeds of the sale; and the net proceeds thereof shall be placed to the credit of the State, Territory, or District of Columbia, as additional to its allot- 199 ment under section sixty-seven of the Act of June third, nineteen v°l‘3°’P' ' hundred and sixteen. , Mm on Travel of officers and noncommissioned officers of the Regular ,,,,,T'}`.;°;l.§?psca¤i;¤w. Army carrying out the provisions of section ninety-three, Act of V°*·”·P·“°°· June third, nineteen hundred and sixteen, $25,000;