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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/87

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68 SIXTY—FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 12. 1917. I¤¤¤‘¤¤¤¤¤· Travel of inspector-instructors and sergeant-instructors, joining at State stations for duty and returning to duty with regiments, $15,000; 4 _ _ _ Af¤1°¤’ i¤¤P°°*i°¤· Travel of inspector-instructors and sergeantqnstructors, m making °t°' visits of instruction and inspection to armories, $130,000: P?°”?#*°· Provided, That said inspectoninstructors traveling shall not re- Lmm ceive more than their actual expenses out of these appropriations. Y¤¤¤’¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤dl°*¤* Travel of officers and noncommissioned officers of the Regular °°mps' Army in connection with State camps of instruction and joint camps, $40,000; t,(;f1¤*S°*· ¤*°·· i¤SP°‘* Inspection of target ranges and mobilization camps for use of the ` National Guard, $1,000; _ _ _ M¤*¢*i¤li¤¤P°°**°¤· Inspection of material ertaining to Field Artillery, Coast Artillery, and Signal Corps in tli)e hands of the National Guard, $4,000; ` Transporting sup- Transportation of supjplies (including transportation of animals Pm- issued for the use of avalry, Field Artillery, signal companies, engineer companies, ambulance companies, and other mounted umts) of the National Guard, $200,000; _ °t§°*€°°¤“¤**’“°*°'“· Ex enses of sergeant-instructors on duty with the National Guard, ' including quarters, fuel, light, medicines, and medical attendance, $100 000* - Oiiice i·ent and other necessary expenses of inspectoninstructors, $25,000; Prvviw. Provided, That whenever practicable inspectoninstructors shall °m°°“' use the State armories or other public buildings for offices. Accounting, All the money hereinbefore a proilriated for arming, equipping. ,,m,,,_m_ and training the National Guard) sh be disbursed and accounted mstarr wrpgincluded for as such and for that puigpose shall constitute one fund: Prootded, hmm °"°‘ That the National Guar 0 any State, Territory, or the District of Columbia, shall include such officers and enlisted men of the Staff Corps and Departments, corresponding to those of the Regular Army, as may be authorized by the Secretary of War.

 °*°·· '°’ ”°’° Arms, Umromus, rzqurrmnxrr, AND so ronrn, NATIONAL GUARD!

To procure by Ipiuchase or manufacture and issue from time to time to the N ationa Guard upon requisition of the governors of the several States and Territories, or the commanding general, National Guard of the District of Columbia, such number of United States service arms with all accessories, Field Artille and Coast Artillery material, engineer, signal, and sanitary materixilgf accouterments, Held unifomis, clothing, equipage, ublications, and military stores of all R”“"°““”l" kinds, including public animals, and a reserve supply of such arms, material, accouterments, Held uniforms, clothing, equipage, and military stores of all kinds, as are necessary to arm, uniform, and equip _ for Held service the National Guard in the several States, Territories, {T,£{“”§§‘{,",; inmnnnnn and the District of Columbia: Provided, That of the sum herein appro- °”°‘”¤°°· Slrqiated $76,000, or so much thereof as may be required, may, in the ` cretion of the Secretary of War, be made available for the purchase and maintenance of material and equipment necessary for the proper instruction in military aviation of such officers and enlisted men of the National Guard as may be authorized bv the War Department to Amount my mem attend the United States Aviation School, si ,000,000: Provided, That ‘°p*"Y· the sum of $3,000,000 out of this appropriation shall be used solely for the purpose of securing the reserve supply herein provided for. ¥,§£g*:f{c¤¤gfi§;}g¤=· SUPPLHXG AND EXCHANGING Ixrunrnr rzqrrrrrrnxr, N ATIONAL ’ " “GUARD: _F or the purépose of manufacturing, procuring, exchanging, and issuing mode o_ nineteen hundred and ten equipment to the _ Infantry and other dismounted organizations of the National Guard §T1*L}¤m em of the several States, Territories, and the District of Columbia: PTO- ’ vided, That whenever in the opinion of the Secretary of War a sufficient number of Infantry equipment, model of nineteen hundred and ten, shall have been procured and shall be available for the purpose