SIXTY-FIF TH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 12. 1917. 69 the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to issue on the requisition of the governors of the several States and Territories or the commanding general of the District of Columbia National Guard, such numbers thereof as are required for equipping the National Guard in said States, Territories, and the District of Columbia, without charging the cost or value thereof or any expenses connected therewith, against any allotments to said States, Territories, or the District of Columbia, Emp, awmm provided that the equipment thus issued shall be receipted for and ctc. ’ shall remain the property of the United States and be annually ac- ,,0,39 pm, counted for in the manner prescribed by the Act of June thir·d, nine- R t ' teen hundred and sixteen, and that each. State, Territory, and the sues? um °f pmt i°` District of Columbia shall, upon recei t of new equipment, turn in to the Ordnance Department of the United States Army, without receiving any money credit therefor and without expense for transportation of Infantry equipment now in its possession, the property of the United States, and replaced by articles of the model of nineteen hundred and ten equipment, $1,200,000. Promkied gi-rrther, That any funds a propriated under section p,gi€0§’,§,i‘f$§§d‘fpp’° sixteen hun ed and sixty-one, Revised Statutes, for the iiscal year $6§·éj°°·1$j$»P·29°» nineteen hundred and sixteen or former years and remaining on ’p` ` August twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, to the credit of any State, the Territqlrly of Hawaii', or the District of Columbia, shall remain available o y to the end of the fiscal ear nineteen hundred and eighteen for expenditures authorized by lgw. mrnn RANGES Fon CIVILIAN INSTRUCTION. r¤riis1ii°r°°g°°f°r°lvi]` To establish and maintain indoor and outdoor rille ranges for the aging! ,m. °i mr use of all able-bodied males capable of bearing arms, under reasonable regulations to be prescribed by the National Board for Promotion of Rrile Practice an approved y the Secreta.ry of War; for the emplqyment of labor in connection with the establishment of outdoor an indoor rifle ranges, including labor in operating tar ets; for the employment of instructors; for clerical services; for liadges and other insignia; for the transportation of employees, instructors, and civilians to engage in practice; for the purchase of materials, supplies, and services, an for expenses incidental to instruction of citizens of the United States in marksmanship, to be expended rmder the direction of the Secretary of War and to remain available until expended, $20,000. _ For arms, ammunition, targets, and other accessories for target ,t;lT§,°z.°{g'§€“,2t,§ZPgj practice for issue in connection with the encouragement of rifle V°'·3°»P·2¤- practice in pursuance of the provisions of section one hundred and thirteen of the Act approved June third, nineteen hundred and sixteen, $300,000: Provided, That out of said sum of $300,000 there shall be teamsused for the ayment of transportation of teams authorized by the Secretary of &ar to partici ate in the national matches not to exceed _ $60,000: Provided further, Bfhat this amount shall be pro ortioned ,,,g§'§,§e°§l“°“ °f°““'°’ amon the several States, Territories, and the District of Cblumbia, according to the distance from the seat of Government to the place where the national matches are to be held: Ami provided farther, D°¤*¢¤¤*i¤¤°**°¤¤¤· That the governors of the States, Territories, or the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia may designate which team or teams shall attend from their` respective States, Territories, or District of Columbia. crvrr.rAN rrrrrrarrr rnArNrNG. ,,f,§’,g’gf" m"“’"’ For the expense of maintaining, upon milit reservations or E’*’°“°°°‘ °““““°' elsewhere, camgp for the military instruction addy training of such um campsiam citizens physic y capable of bearing arms as may be selected under
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/88