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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/89

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70 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1. Ch. 12. 1917. such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of War, arnd for furnishing said citizens, at the expense of the United States, uniforms, subsistence, transportation by the most usual and direct route within said limits as to territory as may be prescribed; for such expenditures as may be deemed necessary for water, fuel, hght, temporary structures, not including quarters for officers nor barracks for men, screening, and damages resulting from field exercises, and other expenses incidental to maintaining said camps and the theoreti- Empmeuts mw cal winter instruction in connection therewith, mcludrng textbooks r>¤nsu¤¤,e¤c.’ and stationery; for furnishing such equipments, tentago, field equi- "'°l·39»P· *9* page, and transportation belonging to the United States as may be deemed necessary as authorized by section fifty-four of the Act of , Congress approved June third, nineteen hundred and sixteen, iii§liii{’f§ pay wane $3,281,000: lgrmrided, That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized

  • ”’~“’m¤· out of this Epropriation to pay to personsdesignated by him for

training as 0 cers in the Army duringlthe period of their training the __ sum of not to exceed $100 per mont in addition to the allowances c°°dm°°' authorized by said section fifty-four: Provided, That they shall agree to accept appointment in the officers’ Reserve Corps in such grade T _ _ as may be tendered by the Secretary of War. ¤a§,°ri$gpZ`§’,l,‘f,$,itlz°°s Provided further, That so much o section fifty-four of the Act of 8¤fQ;j&ed‘f°· P- *9* June third, nineteen hundred and sixteen, entitled "An Act for mak- Mileage rate allowed. ing further and more effectual provision for the national defense, and for other purposes/’ as relates to the transportation of citizens who, conformably to such regulations as the Secretary of War may prescribe, attend training camps be, and the same is hereby amended so as to provide that said citizens shall be paid as traveling allowances three and one-half cents er mile for the distance by the shortest usually traveled route from tlile places from which they are authorized to proceed to the camp and for the return travel thereto: Promgdmws *°¤'°*“*¤· videdgurther, That the payment of travel Ipay for the return journey _ _ maiy e made m advance of the actual pe ormance of travel. °t;§¤;g;iS:‘£{,{*¤¤1¤*°°¤· or_ arms and ordnance equipment, including overhauling and ’ repairing of personal equipments, machine—gun outfits, horse equipment; ammumtion, targets, and other accessories for target practice, and for overhauling and repairing arms for issue and use in connection with training camps for civilians in ursuance of the provisions of section fifty-four of the Act approvedp June third, nineteen hun- _ dred and sixteen, $250,000. 6,Qf’u§§’[, Prooided, That no part of the apfpropriations made in this Act shall

1;1i¤;§0<;¤6;i~¤¤ri¤¤ vi be available for the salary or pay o any officer, manager, superintentt

ent, foreman, or other person having charge of the work of any employee of the United lates while making or causing to be made wit a stqp watch, or other time-measuring device, a time study of any ]ob o any such employee between the starting and completion thereof, or of the movements of any such employee while engaged °“’“°“’°"·°‘°· ugn such work; nor shall any part of the appropriations made in t s Act be available to pay any premium or bonus or cash reward to any employee in addition to his regular wages, except for su<>‘ges— tions resulting m improvements or economy in the operation of: any (ummm? Government plant. RB,,m,,,d of Argyy That no part of the appropriations made in this Act shall be avail- Q{;°§;§pgggEfm“d *¤ able for the salary or pay o any person hereafter, in time of peace, gpppinted an officer in the Army who is not a citizen of the United a es. D§,§‘gs“;" "’ *“*“’°"‘ comwcn. or msrroxar. nnrnxsn. ,,,,€‘p°"““°““*l `”°“· For expenses of experimental work and investigations undertaken V¤i·39,p·649· by the_Counc1l of National Defense, by the advisory commission, Or subordinate bodies, for the employment of a ·director, expert and clerical expenses, for rental of quarters, and for the necessary sup-