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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/90

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SIXTY—FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 12. 1917. 71 plies, and for the necessary expenses of members of the council, of the advisory commission, or su ordinate bodies going to and attending meetings of the commission or subordinate bodies there is hereby appropriated the unexpended balance remaining! on hand June thir- mppmmdm tieth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, of the appropriation of ven. ae, p. eso. ' $200,000 appropriated by the act approved August twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and sixteen. Provided, That of this a propriation there shall be available during §'¤‘;g_§'§ént D C the current fiscal year for the rent of offices in the District of Columbia ’ ` the sum of $5,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary. nnsnnvn conrs. T§,§§’,,"g*},,,,,,sf"‘*"°""" uaarnauxsrnn surrrms AND mqurrunnr ron Rnsnnva Orrr- ,,,,{’§§° °§ ‘*““’*°"'¥’”j cnii2s’ Tasmmo Cours: For the procurement and issue, under such tigrgilgl esgmmu regulations as may be prescribed y the Secretary of War, to institu- ’°' ’ tions at which one or more units of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps are maintained, such public animals, uniforms, equipment, an means of transportation as e may deem necessary, and to forage at the expense of the United States public animals so issued; for transporting said animals and other authorized equipment from place of issue to the several institutions and return o same to place of issue Mmmm amps when necessary; for the maintenance of camps for the further prac- ' tical instruction of the members of the Reserve Officers’ Corps, and for transporting members of such corps to and from suc camps, and to subsist them while traveling to and from such camfps c°mm¤¤m“m,* and while remaining therein so far as appropriations will permit; or wwwthe payment of commutation of subsistence to members 0 the senior division of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, at such rate, not exceeding the cost of the garrison ration prescribed for the Army, as V0, 39 P m authorized in the act of Congress approved June third, nineteen un- Pr¤ia.•of»._` ' dred and sixteen, $4,385,000: Provided, That $1,215,000 of the amount ,,§'§%',§°‘“"°“°”“' herein a pro riated shall be immediately available. Proud ed further, That the,Secretaiy of War may, in his discretion ,m°,?,"‘,§‘,“*fP°$up,u§’,§ and under such regulations as he may prescribe, permit such institu- W *¤¤¤*¤¤¤¤¤· tions to furnish their own uniforms and receive as commutation therefor the sum allotted by the Secretary of War to such institutions for ` uniforms. · 0 a mm md ORDNANCE sronns AND EQUIPMENT ron Rnsnnvin OFFICERS, TRAIN- equipment. me Cours: For arms and ordnance equipment, includinlg overhauling _ and repairing of personal equipments machine-gun out ts, and horse equipments or use in connection with the Reserve OiHcers’ Tr ° Cozips, established by the Act approved June third, nineteen an sixteen, $1,000,000. mum. Provided, That the Secretaig of War, in his discretion, is authorized to designate the First Corps adets of the National Guard of Massa- ¤¤§i¤¤¤¤¤· _ chusetts as a unit of the Senior Division of the Reserve OfHcers’ mv1s1¤?t°dm°°m°t Training Corps: Provided further, That the First Corps Cadets shall B°€*“°'*°”·°‘°· be subject to such rules and regulations as may be prescribed under the (provisions of the National Defense Act of June third, nineteen hun red and sixteen, or amendments thereto, relating to the Reserve QHicers’ Training Corps: Provided further, That the drill and instruc— D'm»°*°··"°""‘** tion, including indoor target practice, required of the First Corps Cadets as a National Guard organization is hereby waived: And pro- _ _ mded further, That the privileges and benents extended by existing .§°,`{'§f&\zf£°° law to National Guard organizations, including those organizations V°‘·3°·P· *9* provided for in section sixty-three of the National Defense Act of urge Ehud, nineteen hundred and sixteen, be continued in full force an e ect.,