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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/91

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72 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 12. 1917. C£§°°*S’ R°$°"° Providedfurther, That all officers and employees of the United Lé-_€¤¤f¤bs<¤¤¤¤,¤t¤·. States or of the District of Columbia who shall be members of the iioyiéziiiiiiiiifusbrdglé ()fFicers’ Reserve Corps shall be entitled to leave of absence from in- their respective duties, without loss of pay, time, or efficiency rating, on all days during which they shall be ordered to duty with troops or at field exercises, or for instruction, for periods not to exceed i - - fifteen davs in an one calendar ear. wliizigrfligvieiiiosluom Provided furthe, That membi-irs of the Officers’ Reserve Corps who are in the employ of the United States Government or of the District of Columbia and who are ordered to duty by proper authority shall, milieu relievpid frplm duty, be restored to the positions held . b them w en ordere to uty. bfgggigig aridergiiigi yProt·idedfurt7zr1·, That section three of the Act approved February phlglglgjh p·‘*9*“°““P‘ twenty-seven th, nineteen hundred and six, entitled, "An Act rnalging appropriations to supply urgent deficiencies rn the appropriations for the fiscal year endin Jime thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, and for rior years and ger other p1u·poses," shall not be construed to prohibit the Secretary of War from accepting the gratuitous services of members of the OiHcers’ Reserve Corps of the Army in the furtherance of the enrollment, organization, and training of the Officers’ Reserve Corps, the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, or the Enlisted Reserve Corps of the Army or in consultation upon matters Enlisted Mauve relating to the military service. cms. QUABTERMASTER SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT FOR ENLISTED Rmsnnvm ,§§§,‘;,,§’,§,gg“§‘,,f°§,"§‘,iS‘,, Cours: For providing, procuring, and issue to the Enlisted Reserve i¤`5·;5¤3g¢b 195 Corps in accordance with the proyisions of section fifty-ive of the ‘ ' Act of Congress approved Jime third, rnneteen hundred and sixteen, except as provide for under appropriation "Pay of the Army, " when assigned as reserves to particular organizations of the Regular Army, or organized into units or detachments of any arm, corps, or department, and when ordered to active service for purposes of instruction and training; fuel, light, forage, subsistence, including commutation of rations when traveling, rosettes, uniforms, e uipage, Tmmp,,m,,,m_m_ and such other necessary supplies as may be authorizedqby the Secretary of War; transporting members of said corps from homes to the places to which ordered and return to their homes; transporting supplies and equipment required; maintaining camps and providing the necessary kitchens, mess shelters, latnnes, and screening; for the procurement of water and disposal of garbage and sewerage in con- S,g,,,_,€qmpm,,,_ nection with such camp, $250,000. Siomin EQ§IPMEN'1‘_FOR. rua ExLrs·ri=.:o Rnsrmvm Cours: For the purchase of signal equipment for the Enlisted Reserve Corps, author- Schools and mmm. ized by the Act of June third, nineteen hundred and sixteen, $300,000. lntriigmmsity Sup. Quxnrnnuasrna sUPr>L1‘i·:s Fon Mrnrrxar EQUIPMENT on scir00LS §,,§§,_ °' “'°““”g '° Ayn COLLEGES! For the procurement and supply as provided in seo- V<>i·39,D·197- tion fiftyssix of the Act of Congress approved June third, nineteen hundred and sixteen, of such tentage and equipment, including the transporting of same, as the Secretary of War shall deem necessary v0,_39’p_m_ for proper military training to schools and colleges other than thoso pggvéggd for in section forty-seven of the Act above referred to, »·¤i.:ie,?iiiiiphe8` Onnzuivcm SUPPLIES Fon Mrnrranr rzqurrmmrr or scnooris AND cor.Lr:e.r:s:_ For arms and ordnance equipment, includin overhauling and repairing of personal equigments, machiue—gun outfits, and horse equipments or issue to schoo and colleges in pursuance of the provisions of section fifty-six of the Act approved June third nineteen Ch I _ hundred and sixteen. $500,000: ’ VJ}? $$5*; p_ N6, Promded, That section fifteen of the Act of June third, nineteen ’**’;§;‘j·’*gj 561. hundred and sixteen, entitled _"An Act for making further and mow A pgmmms an- effectual provision for the national defense, and for other purposes/’ ,h,,§,,,d_ be amended so as to read as follows: "The President is authorized