SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 12. 1917. 73 to appoint, b and with the advice and consent of the Senate, chaplains in the grmy at the rate of not to exceed, including chaplains now in service, one for each regiment of Cavalry, Infantr , Field Artillery, and Engineers, and one for each one thousand two lliundred officers and men of th%Coas(1i igrtilllery Corps, with rank, pay, and P‘°‘°"”°°° °“““°d· allowances as now authorize y aw." Provided further, That section twenty-four of the Act of June third, s0liliZil°S°°fArmyp°r` nineteen hundred and sixteen, entitled "An Act for making further aulQ‘Q&¢§_9» P- 183- and more effectual provision for the national defense, and or other Sm dr te t pur oses," be amended so as to add the following proviso: "That igelimi€`$v¤;°$§`a°§¤, thelfresident be, and he is hereby, authorized to waive the age limit d°’*¤¤°°°d °*S°¤· in all cases where the candidate for second lieutenant, who bein within the mazdmum age limit at the date of examination has passed or ma pass the examination, and who has become or may become ineligible on account of age before the date of his appointment; and to a oint such candidate with rank from the same date as other eandlidates of like class who have been or may be appointed as the um _ _ result of the same examination: Provided, That such appointment °°°°°‘ is made within one year from the date of such examination" Omcm, R6 SHN Provided Surther, That any former officer of the Regular A.rmy, the Gcggs. _ Volunteer y, the Organized Militia, or the National Guard, under 0m“§i,?,§‘§§,‘L§€§?§§{ the age of sixty-four years and who has resigned or been honorably **1%, 39 P m_ discharged from the service after a total commissioned service of not ' ` less than three years in in either the Regular Army, the Volimteer Army, the Organized Militia, or the National Guard, may, upon such examination and within such age limits as may be prescribed by the President, be appointed and commissioned, in the discretion o the President, in any appropriate arm, staff corps, department or section of the OfHcers’ Reserve Corps, with rank not more than one grade higher than any previously held by the officer in either of said forces, but in no case above that of lieutenant colonel. 6,,,,,,,, S,,,m,,.,,s_ Promkled further, That the following language of section five of ¤u};<ydod39» P- 167. the Act of June third, nineteen hundred and sixteen, entitled "An Lirnitutlou names Act for making further and more effectual provision for the national {§,,I,Z‘§,§f*$,§,§’§§,{’{}‘,,‘Q,‘;§Q defense, and for other purposes/’ to wit: ‘Not more than one·half 1¤¤=¤¤¤¢¤¤¤¤rz•¤¤r- of all of the officers detailed m said corps shall at any time be stationed, or assigned to or employed upon any duty, in or near the District 05 Columb1a," be pinion ed sodas to aluthorize the President • to sus en the o eration o t ie same uring the existing eme ncy. __ ,, ,_ ,, Proidded furtheii, That on the sale or other disposal, in accdigdianee ·i?»l»dgivZfi(limOl•i·i°¤fi¤ with law and regulations, of the United States Army transports ‘°K"“"· Meade and Crook, the Secretary of Commerce is hereby authorized, on reguest of the Secretaryloffllgarifo isplué-1 tcicgither or both of said vesses are isteras avesse o the nite ta . mm. ,,,8,,,, Prmridedygfurther, That the second proviso of section thirty-seven of 39 189 the Act of June third, nineteen hundred and sixteen, entitled "An malaga, ’ P' ’ Act for making further and more effectual provision for the national C0 . I t . defense, and for other pu oses," be amended as follows: Provided, meamiiméismmhrfdi That any person who on liine third, nineteen hundred and sixteen, *°§‘,*{_'}f3‘;°lg{’§§;_ was carried as ualified and registered in the grade of colonel or ' lieutenant colonel pursuant to the dprovisions of the Act of January Sm I mmm] twenty-first, nineteen hundred an three, or any person holding a eima °¤l¤¤ii»i· call or commission as colonel or lieutenant colonel in the National Guar of M6- ’““°‘· any State, Territory, or the District of Columbia on June third, nineteen hundred and sixteen, who has served satisfactorily as such in the service of the United States under the call of May ninth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, or that of June eighteenth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, may be commissioned or recommissioned in the Officers’ Reserve Corps with rank for which he had been found quali- Hed and registered, or which he held in the National Guard on June •
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