PROCLAMATIONS, 1918. 1327 of tangenoy station 454 +50.76 more or less; thence North 53 degrees, 47 minutes West a distance of 7587.93 feet more or less to a gomt of curve station 530 +38.69 more or less; thence by a 2 egree curve to the left to a point of tangencystation 538 +97.02 more or less; thence North 70 degrees, 57 minutes West a distance of 5741.33 feet more or less to a pointiof curve station 596+38.35 more or less; thence by a 4 degree curve to the left to a point of tangency station 604+51.68 more or less; thence south 76 degrees, 31 minutes West a distance of 536.15 feet more or less to apoint of curve station 609 +87.83 more or less; thence by a 3 degree curve to the riglllit to a point of tangenoy station- 614 49.50 more or less; thence orth 89 degrees, 38 minutes West a distance of 4911.63 feet more or less to a point of curve station 663 +61.13 more or less; thence by a 4 degree curve to the right to a point of tangency station 668+29.46 more or less; thence North 70 degrees, 54 minutes West a distance of 606.87 feet more or less to a point of curve station 674 +36.33 more or less; thence by a 5 degree curve to the left to a Koint of tangenoy station 683 +05.66 more or less; thence Sout 65 degrees, 38 minutes West a distance of 553.36 feet more or less to a goint of curve station 688+59.02 more or less; thence by a 5 egree curve to the right to a point of tangenoy station 696 +98.02 more or less; thence North 72 degrees, 25 minutes West a distance of 840.41 feet more or less to a (point of curve station 705 +38.43 more or less; thence by a 5 egree curve to the left a distance of 118.22 feet more or less to the Easterly bounding line of the United States Naval Proving Ground, Indian He , Maryland, Station 706 +56.65 more or less. All the above description refers to a certain drawing Bled in the Ollioe of the Solicitor, Department of the Navy, which drawinlg bears the legend "Department of the Navy Bureau of Yar s and Docks, ailroad Connection White Plainto Indian Head, General Layout. Aigiroved July 18 1918, C. W. Parks, Chief of Bureau. Kirby mith Project Manager. Refer to Y. & D. No. 78200." TRAOT N0. 7. iltie Zelected for Navy lgne (Depot, naar Yorktgivgn, Virginia, Y};;ug“¤4;\;:_ mm t at certain tract o an situate, ymg, an e , part m ML · the County of York, fpart in the County of Jamesméity, and P°°"p°m8` part in the County o Warwick, all in the State of Virginia, as the same is shown on a map on file in Office of the Solicitor, Department of the Navy, which map is based on surveys made in the years 1904 and 1905 by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, and published as parts of United States Geological Survey maps of Virginia, Williamsburg, Quadrangle (edition of 1906, reprinted 1917) and of VlI`%.l8, Yorktown Quadrangle (edition of 1907, reprinted 1918); w `ch said certain tract of land is more definitely described as follows: Beginning for the same at a girint in the low water line on D¤¤¤*v¤¤¤· the southern shore of the York iver in York County, State of Virginia, said point being the point of intersection of Parallel N. 37°—16’—54" with Meridian 76°—35’-00" west of Greenwich; thence southwesterly across the certain sand spit at the mouth of King Creek, York County, to the gint of intersection with the center line of said King Creek, a tance of eight hundred ten (810) feet more or less; thence continuing a general southwesterly and then southerly direction following the center hne of said King Creek to the point of intersection with the south line of the certain road shown on the said map as running m a general northerily and then easterly direction from or in the vicinity of the illage of Grove, a distance of twenty-four thou-
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