SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 254. 1920. 1051 services are satisfactory, unless sooner appointed a repular clerk, he shall be promoted to grade two and paid the salary 0 that grade for service actually performed until appointed a regular clerk. D , Service of clerks shall be based on an average of not exceeding mails w°'k d°°lg` eight hours daily for three hundred and six days per annum, including _ proper allowance for all service l‘equ11‘ed on ag—olf periods. Clerks °"°’“m° S°"*°°· required to perform service m excess of eight ours daily, as herein provided, shall be paid in cash_at the annual rate of pay or granted compensatory time at their option for such overtime. Fun H h Substitute railwaiy postal clerks shall be credited with full time tmamgurlilrimagneisll while traveling un er orders of the department to and from their designated headquarters to take up an assignment, together with actual and necessary travel expenses, not to exceed $2 p·gr_day, while on duty away from such headquarters. When a su t1tute clerk S.,'{S”§`§fl,,,§"“‘“ °' erforms service in a railwa post office starting from his official Eeailquarterslhis shall bq alhiwed dtravell expenses under the law a ying to c er re ary assrgne to the run. iv, _ p'l)`hat clerks at divrsgililm headquarters of post-office ins ectors shall terE¤ili¤(inpec1i¢lii·ilqu8r be divided into six grades, as follows: Grade one—sa.llzlry, $1,600; .,;£k"§‘l,‘i°Q ml pw °l grade two——salary, $1,700; grade three—salary, $1,850 ilgrade four— salary, $2,000; ade HV6—S8.l8.\'E, $2,150;£rade six——s ary, $2,300; • and there shall its one chief cler at each `vision headquarters at a salary of $2,600. That clerks at division headquarters shall be pro- P'°"‘°°°““‘ moted successively to grade five at the beginning of the quarter followin a yea1·’s satisfactory service in the next ower gra e, and one clerk at each division headquarters may be promote to grade six after one yea.r’s satisfactory service in grade five. Summm M dm Hereafter when_any clerk in the office of division headquarters srmclermabsmrmtn in the post-office mspection service is absent from duty from any °“°p“y‘ cause other than leave with pay allowed by law, the Postmaster General, under such regulations as he may prescribe, may authorize Pay mm mm the emplovment of a. substitute for such work, and payment therefor sam. from the la sed salary of such absent clerk at a rate not to exceed thlchpay of tllie grade of work performed by such substitute. at the compensation of each rural carrier for serving a. rural §§;°‘“2&*§{_’_;d_ route of twenty- our miles, six days in the week, shall be $1,800; on routes twenty-two miles and less than twenty-four miles, $1,728; on routes twenty rniles and less than twenty-two miles, $1,620; on routes eighteen miles and less than twenty miles, $1,440; on routes sixteen miles and less than eighteen miles, $1,260; on routes fourteen miles and less than sixteen miles, $1,080; on routes twelve miles and less than_fourteen miles, $1,008; on routes ten miles and less than twelve miles, $986; on routes eight miles and less than ten miles, $864 ; on routes six miles and less than eight miles, $792; on routes four miles and less than six miles, $720. A mral letter carrier servin mmm mas. one triweekl route shall be dpaid on the basis for a route one—ha.§ the length ofy the route serve by him, and a carrier serving two triwcekly routes shall be paid on the basis for a route one-half of the combined length_of the two routes. Each rural carrier assigned to a horse-drawn vehicle route on which daily service is performed shall mtligsmdem "°h‘°'° receive S30 per mile per annum for each mile said route is in excess Itlloivvance for excess of twenty-four 1111195 or major fraction thereof, based on actual °“l°°“°' mileage, and each rural carrier assigned to a. horse-drawn vehicle route on which triweekly service is performed shall receive $15 per mile for each mile said route is in excess of twenty-four miles or major fraction thereof, based on actual mileage. Deductions for failure to perform service on a standard rural D$d¤¢¤;¤¤¤ fw delivery route for twenty-four miles and less shall not exceed the “”° °°°'°"'"”"°°° rate of pay {per mile for service for twenty-four miles and less; and deductions or failure to perform service on mileage in excess of
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1072