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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1073

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1052 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 254. 1920. twenty-four miles shall not exceed the rate of compensation allowed for such excess mileage. M°*°"’°“*°’°'°“'°& That the pay of a carrier who furnishes and maintains his own motor vehicle and who serves a route not less than fifty miles in _ length be at not exceeding $2,600 per annum.

 d°‘“'°'Y 'llhat the pay of carriers in the village delivery service, under such

rules and r g ations as the Postmaster General may prescribe, shall be from $1,000 to $1,200 pier annum.

 oliggmgs- That no allowance to t ird—class post offices to cover the cost of

ance; °w` clerical services in excess of $450 shall be made where the salary of the postmaster is $1,000, $1,100, or $1,200; nor in excess of $600 where the salary of the ostmaster is $1,300, $1,400, or $1,500; nor in excess of $700 where tlie salary of the glostmaster is $1,600, $1,700, or $1,800; nor in excess of $900 where the salary of the postmaster is $1,900 or $2,000; nor in excess of $1,200 where the salary of the rama. postmaster is $2,100 or $2,200: Provided, That the Postmaster Gen- ,,,,.’§?s‘S‘“"‘ l"‘“““' eral ma in the disbursement of the appropriation for this purpose and within its limitation provide for the employment at a maximum sala of $900 per annum of assistant postmasters at post offices of the lvliird class where the salary of the postmaster is $2,100 or $2,200 1:”P°°' ” pB'Il`l¥iH1llum.t-chi t h ll b d` `d d t d °· a os cer ecorssa e ivie inosevengraes,as Gram md smrm foll0ws:pGrade one?-spalary, $2,300; grade two—salary, $2,500; grade three—salary, $2,700; grade four——salary, $2,900; grade fivesalary, $3,200* grade six-—-salary, $3,500; grade seven—salary, $3,700; and there shall be fifteen inspectors in charge at $4,200. Promotions room'- Inspectors shall be promoted successively to grade five at the beginning of the quarter following a year’s satisfactory and eflicrent service in the next lower grade, and to grade six at the beginning of the quarter following the expiration of one year’s meritorious service in grade five, and not to exceed 20 per centum of the force to grade seven for specially meritorious service after not less than one year`s service in grade six. The three grades of inspectors without per diem allowance and the three senior grades of field inspectors shall be cogsiidered on a parity in readjusting the inspectors to the grades provi . ,,.§,*§',§*,§,§`,,‘{‘Sf"L‘,"Qf “w°" Inspectors shall be paid their actual expenses not to exceed $5 per _ day while engaged on official business away from their homes and M"' "‘ M official domicrles. The appropriation for per diem allowance authorized for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1920, may be utilized for , , such expenses. - ,C}i““"“" ml Sm" That the annual salaries of officials of the Railwaly Mail"Service m{?>é,g' S¤P°"¤°°¤d· shall be graded in even hundreds of dollars, as fo ows: Division ’ superintendents at $4,200; assistant division superintendents at $3,200; assistant superintendents at $3,100; assistant superintendent P in charge of car construction at $3,000; chief clerks at $3,000; (—,C.;,§§"3,, ghgygg of assistant chief clerks at $2,500: Provided, That the clerks in charge gfgpgjigriggil °* °°’ of sections in the offices of the division superintendents sh all be rated ` as assistant chief clerks at $2,500 salary, and the chief clerk in charge of car construction shall be designated as an assistant superintendent at $3,000 salary per annum. R,..,.,re,;,,,, gum That the salary of requisition fillers and packers in the division of M11 >°*~¤’5· equipment and supplies shall be as follows: One foreman, $1,800 per annum; ten requisition fillers and nine packers, each, $1,600 per annum. pim-Q, G; gimme to Employees in the Postal Service shall be granted fifteen days' leave “*°mP*°Y°°$· of absence with pay, exclusive of Sundays and holidays, each fiscal Sir·k[g;i·,·e with pa,-, year, and sick leave with fpay at the rate of ten days a year to be °“m“’¤“‘"°· cumulative for a period 0 three years, but no sick leave with pay in excess of thirty days shall be granted during any three consecutive