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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1080

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 264-266. 1920. 1059 nrenrnnurn Lrenrnoosn nrsrmcr. Ei¤'*°°°¤°h°*S“*°*· Establishin aids to navigation, California, $25,000. C**“'°’¤*¤- Constructingé two keepers’ dwellings at the Goat Island Light- deiigii mmm Cam" house Depot, alifornia, $16,500. Nrunrnmrin Lronrnonsn nrsrmcr. Ni¤°*°°¤“* °“S*’*°'· Constructing and equipping a lighthouse depot at Honolulu, ee?&'l°]"1“’ Ham"' Hawaii, $120,000, in lieu of $90,000 authorized in Act of August '°‘·3°·P·5’8- 28’ 1916° · Su rlntendent C Sec. 2. That hereafter the sala of the Superintendent of Naval Nmii1°c¤¤s¢m¢¢i¤¤.° Construction in the Bureau of Yighthouses shall be $4,000 per $j‘,{},‘gf‘;?§§$j annum. Approved, June 5, 1920. CHAP. 265.-An Act To provide for the abolition of the eighty·rod reserved shore ll1ul1¥él•lggg:l spaces between claims on shore waters in Alaska. [Public, N0. 276.] Be it enacted y the Senate and House 0£dRe1z{lresen.tatives of the Alma United States gif merica in Congress asse·m1> , at the provisions ushers Mm re;¤m~ or the Act or ay 14, 1898 (Thirtieth Statutes at Large, p e 409), a°§..‘%‘e£°2r°€l£3 extendin the homestead laws to Alaska, and of the Act S? March "°`*;§~"°°d *¤¤d¤;v 3, 1903 %1‘hirt —second Statutes at Large, page 1028), amendatory 32,p.·1ggS,p·409' °l‘ thereof, in so {ar as they reserve from sale and entry a space of at least eighty rods in width between tracts sold or entered under the provisions thereof along the shore of any navigable water, and provide that no entry shall be allowed extending more than one undred and sixty rods along the shore of any na able water, shall not apply to lands classified and listed by th;-lgecretary of V 01 Agriculture for entry under the Act of June 11, 1906 (Thirty-fourth `34’p'zB' Statutes, page 233), and that the Secretary of the Interior may upon application to enter or otherwise in his discretion restore to _ _ entry and disposition such reserved spaces and may waive the ,,§$§{,’f°"°“’ ““""° restriction that no entry shall be allowed extending more than one C dm hundred and sixty rods along the shore of any navigable water as °° °°` to such lands as he shall determine are not necessary for harborage uses and purposes. Approved, June 5, 1920. Ju¤e5,1im. CHAP. 266.-An Act To authorize the construction of flood control and improve- ment works in Boise de Sioux River, the Red River of the North, and Lake Traverse, u’°bu°’ N°‘ 2"J between the States of Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Representatives of the United Strztes3{'America in O0 ess assembled? That the drainage districts 1z§'g§°1zai1°niv% and o er municipal admirities of the States of Minnesota, North ¥‘,§,.,g°2€°’ “° Dakota, and South Dakota, or any one or more of them now or w,frg’dm’°g';}',g’j$,§;g; hereafter organized and existing under the laws of said States, are iisqms, dinnnb ij:. hereby authorized to construct a dam at or near the outlet of Lake S` “"’ Traverse in the Boise de Sioux River, together with such dikes, spillways, diversion channels, and other works in said river and lake, and the Red River of the North, as such districts or municipal authorities or any of them, may agree upon as necessary for the prevention and control of Hoods, the improvement of navigation, and the drainage of lands, and for that purpose may deepen and straighten any parts