1060 sitxrr-SIXTH coxennss. Sess. I1. GHS. 266-2es. 1920. §g;j;Q;a, 0, Sm of said rivers: Provided, That plans for the work hereby authorized aéyer xm, em. shall be submitted to the Secretary of War and the Chief of Engineers for their approval, and unless and until approved by them, no part of such wor shall be built or commenced. ·‘·m°¤dm°¤‘- Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby reserved. Approved, June 5, 1920. ,%§°§j5j§§§?j] CHAP. 267.-—An Act To amend paragraph (e) of section 7 of the Act approved
March 3, 1919, entitled "An Act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to provide
hoiipitaland sanatorium facilities for discharged sick and disabled soldiers, sailors, an marines. " _ __ _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United d,g§§l§§§jfa“;§f§§,{‘gf States of America in Congress assemble , That paragraph (e) of sec- 6;%, _O 130, memb tion 7 of the Act approve March 3, 1919,_entitled_"An Act to authoree. " ’p` ’ ize the Secretary of the Treasury to provide hospital and sanatorium facilities for discharged sick and disabled soldiers, sailors, and ma- _ _ _ rines," is hereby amended to read as follows: §§§§‘,§Q§f$,*§1“,‘§,l§§§; " (e) The sum of $550,000 is hereby authorized for the purchase of g;*dS¤¢»¤*¤-·=¤¤=·>¤· the land and buildings of the National School of Domestic Arts and ` Science, located at 2650 Wisconsin Avenue, in the District of Columbia, now under lease to the United States Government as a hospital, and for the construction of such additions and improvements _ thereto as may be necessary to suitably adapt them to the needs and §§§’§g§°}§;,,,,.,d_ purposes of the Public Health Service: Provided, That the purchase price of said land and buildings shall not exceed $460,000: Pro- .;eyimtpSi_s€F» vided further, That in addition to the $550,000 hereby authorized, p“*“‘°“ wma °‘ the sum of $250,000 from the amount appropriated by section 5 of _ the Act hereby amended and of $6,000 and of $154,000 from the l°'· *°·*’· 13**** amounts appropriated by section 6, para a hs 1 and 2, respectively, of said Act, are hereby made availabler for the above mentioned purposes and shall remain available until expended." Approved, June 5, 1920.
CHAP. 268.-An Act To amend the penal laws of the United States.
{1 ubiic, No. 279.] _ mmm, cmu Be i thenacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the [71-ited } ir. 35, p. 113*. States tif America in ('ongress assembled, That section 245 of the Act °°‘°"d°d‘ entitlet "An Act to codify, revise, and amend the penal laws of the United States," approved March 4, 1909, is hereby amended to read Importing and trans- as i-OUOWS: g·g»g;·¤:_~&·s·:¤¤¤ books, ‘·Sec. 245. Whoever shall bring or cause to be brou ht into the
- `““`”“'"°‘ United States, or any place subject to the jurisdiction tiereof, from
any foreign country, or shall therein knowingly deposit or cause to be deposited with any express company or other common carrier, for carriage from one State, Territorv, or District of the United States or place noncontiguous to but subject to the jurisdiction thereof, to any other State, Territory, or District of the United States, or place noncontiguous to but subject to the jurisdiction thereof, or from any place in or subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, through a oreign country, to any place in or subject to the jurisdiction thereof, or from any place in or subject to the jurisdiction of the United States `Um mmmms to a foreign country, 211}* ObSf?€H8,_lBWd, or lascivious, or any filthy ajiliééi. `px ’ book, pamphlet, picture, inotion—picture film, paper, letter, writing, print, or other matter of mdecent character, or any drug, medicine, article, or thine designed, adapted, or intended for preventingl conception, or producing abortion, or for any indecent or immora use; or any written or printed card, letter, circular, book, pamphlet,