srxrr-six·rH oomnnss. sm. II. oss. aes-zvo. mc. 1061 advertisement, or notice of any kind giving infomation, directly or indirectly, where, how, or of whom, or by what means any of the hereinbefore mentioned articles, matters, or things ma be obtained or made; or whoever shall knowingly take or cause to lie taken from such express company or other common carrier any matter or tb.i.;i§ the depositing of which for carriage is herein ma e unlawful, sh Punishmentior. be fined not more than $5,000 or imprisoned not more than five years, or botl1." Approved, June 5, 1920. (HAP. 269.—Joint Resolution To authorize the operation of Government owned [d`ili°gésl9??6.) radio stations for the use of the general public, and for other purposes. Resolved by the Serurte and House of Ilgfgiresentatives ¢p;;t72e United _ States of America in Congress assembled, at all land, s , and air- {‘}§,,‘”‘,?,§"‘,'§,*}°’§§,;,,,,,.,,_ ship radio stations, and all apparatus therein owned by &e United mwié ¤,11gghg<1bLg>ir States may be used by it for receiving and transmitting messages ues. P ` relatigng to Government businem, compass reports, and the safety o s ps. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Na is hereb authorized, under §`»',*{§§'c“"“°“; _ terms and conditions and at rates prggzribed bg him, which rates ¤¤¤¤wr um 0 ° an shall be just and reasonable, and which, upon complaint, shall be subject to review and revision by the Interstate Commerce Commission, to use all radio stations and apparatus, wherever located, owned by the United States and un er the control of the Navy Department—(a) for the reception and transmission of press mes- rsssmssaga. sages offered by any newspaper published in the United States, its Territories or possessions, or lpu lished by citizens of the United States infore` countries, or y any dpress association of the United 1,,.;,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, States, and qi? for the reception an transmission of rivate com- ¤¤·=¤¤¤e¤¤- mercial messages: Provided, That the rates iixed for £e reception Patna. and transmission of commercial messages, other than press messages b,,P,§‘,Y$§&E,§§§¤§{'““ shall not be less than the rates charged by privately owned and operated stations for like messages and service: Provided further, Termination when T at the right to use such stations for any of the purposes named in Eimtihiiiiiiguieqihiii this section shall terminate and cease as between any countries or ¤¤•*¤'~*— localities or between any locality and dprivately operated ships whenever uprivately owned and operate stations are capable oi meeting e normal communication repuirements between such countries or localities or between any loca rtyland privately operated ships, and the Secretary of Commerce shall ave notified the Secre- ,w*}¤}§g_{;s¢*¤*¤¤**°¤*¤ tary of the Navy thereof, and all rights conferred by this section ` sha 1 terminate and cease m any event two years from the date this resolution takes effect. Rmmiom BPM Src. 3. That all stations owned and operated by the Government, asa. except as herein otherwise provided, shall be used and operated in v°"°7""°°°‘ accordance with the provisions of the Act of Co ess entitled "An Act to regulate radio c0mmumcation," approvedngrugust 13, 1912. Approved, June 5, 1920. CHAP. 270.-Joint Resolution Authorizing the Secretary of War tc_loa¤ to the [iilililllrriéilzsisle.] Albert SidneyJol1nston Camp, United Confederate Veterans, Numbered Eighteen hun- dred and twenty, Fort Worth, Texas, one hundred tents and cots for the used Gonfed- , emte Veterans at the reumon of said camp June 24 to 27, inclusive, 1920. Resolved by the Senate and House of R’i%·esentatit·es of the United United C,,,,,,,d,,,.,,,, States of America in Omzgress assembled, at the Secretaryl of War V·;gl=:¤étc imma be, and he is hereby, authorized to loan, in his discretion, to the Albert sites 'sidsky mm. Sidney Johnston Camp, United Confederate Veterans, _Numbered §§;‘,§_,_°“g'5*0*;; °‘{$Q*,§.",§j Eighteen hundred and twenty, Fort Worth, Texas, rn their encamp— ’1‘¤·
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1082