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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1104

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1084 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. IH. Cns. 7—9. 1920,1921. °£§¤;$u*£*,{*‘f°I,;°d_°xP°“”‘· mittee is authorized to employ such assistance as it may require, ' at such comlpensation as the committee ma determine to be just Payment mm com and reasona le, and to make such reasonablse expenditures as may mgm md, or boo, be necessary for the proper conduct of its work, such expenditures H°““S· to be paid in equal parts from the contingent funds of the House of Representatives and the Senate, as from time to time may be dul authorized b resolutions of those bodies. b.,hf,i£¤§§"(§,€$g,$,Y 5);:11. 4. That the officers and employees of all administrative ¤¤¤¤¤°m<=*¤*$· services of the Government shall furnish to the committee such information regarding plowers, duties, activities, organization, and methods of business as the committee may from time to time require, ,,,1;‘,‘§,f,‘§f§§_* °"°‘· *° "° and the committee or any of its employees, when duly authorized by the committee, shall have access to and the right to examine any books, documents, papers, or records of any administrative service for the purpose of securing the information needed by the committee in the prosecution of its work. . P mi Received by the President, December 17, 1920. °°t’ p' [Norm BY THE DEPARTMENT or STaTn.——The foregoing 'oint resolution havinlg been presented to the President of the nited] States for his approva , and not having been returned by him_to the house of Congress m which it o ated within the time prescribed by the Constitution of the United States, has become a law without his approval.] December 31 191).

 CHAP. 8.—An Act Extending the time for the doing of annual assemment

lP“b1“’· N°· 2°°·] work on mining claims for the year 1920 to and including July 1, 1921. . Be it enacted the Senate and House o Re esentatives of the United mmgm is- States of Amagga in Congress assemblgd, 'izhat the period within §$,‘§_{,‘§,‘,‘¥?"§9*§,,‘j which work may be performed or improvements made for the year R·¤··=¤¤·m4»v·42¤- 1920, upon mining claims as re uired under section 2324 of the Revised Statutes of the United gtates, is hereby extended to and including the first day of July, 1921 ; so that wor done or imglrovements made gpon any mining claim in the United States or aska ,,,,,_m_ on or before uly 1, 1921, shall have the same effect as if the same wwvglérw 1921 me had been performed within the calendar year of 1920: Promded, °°° That this ct shall not in any way change or modify the requirements of existing law as to work to be done or improvements made upon mining claims for the year 1921. Approved, December 31, 1920.

élgil CHAP. 9.-Joint Resolution Directing the War Finance Corporation to take CGI-

[P¤¤- R~=¤·» N¤· 55-l tain action fpxgthetiielief of the present depremion in the agricultural sections of the country, an or o er purposes. . Resolved by the Senate and House 0 Re esentatinea o the United povrvehivefmmci C"' States ofA’mc1’i0a in Oongjress aasembéd, 'Hat the Secrditary of the aiiiiitdevizti-lifoiiixedigligg Treasury and the members of the War Finance Corporation are hereby ¤¢{},;•{¤}0P;)°d5*,gg°¤» ¤*·¢· djrected to revive the activities of the War Finance Corporation, and ` ’ ` that said corporation be at once rehabilitated with the view of assisting in the financing of the exportation of agricultural and other products to foreign mar ets. H G F u..Lr.·rr Speaker of the House of Representatives. Cmnnns Cumris Acting President of the Senate Pro Te/mpore.