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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/786

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SIXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 227. 1920. 765 or enizetiens essential to war-time needs. The Assistant Secretary mggw ¤=¤<>¤¤m¤·- ofgWar shall receive a salary of $10,000 er annum. There shall be safely. detailed to the office of the Assistant Secretary of War from the D“‘°“'“t° °m°° °" branches en aged in procurement such number of officers and _ civilian empiyees as may be authorized by regulations approved Agdiiiiii asledereriliiiigs b the Secretary of War. The offices of Second Assistant Secretary ¤b°”·*'**"· of, War and Third Assistant Secretary of War are hereby abolished. " Under the direction of the Secretary of War chiefs of branches Sgggies of Ai§;g;¤¤¤ of the Army charged with the procurement of sufp lies for the Arm r ary `p°° ` shall report direct to the Assistant Secretary o %Var regardin all matters of procurement. He shall cause to be manufactured or produced at the Government arsenals or Government-owned factories of the United States all such supplies or articles needed by the War Deparitmept as iaid arsenals ordGovernment—owned factories are ca ab e 0 manu act or ro ucin u on an economical basis. Ari)d all appropriations lor mgnufactuge li matériel pertaining to msirijiiiyeirriigoii approved projects, which arerplaced with arsenals of Government- §’$§`3$;g_“v°']“b1°‘" owned factories or other o nance establishments shall remain available for such purpose until the close`of the next ensuing fiscal ear. . y "Sec. 5b. Tun Wan Cormcrn.-—The Secretary of War, the Assis- <ii>iiriigiii$ii' e n a tant Secretary of War, the general of the Army and the Chief of d“°°’° °f‘ Staff shall constitute the War Council of the War Department, which council shall from time to time meet and consider olicies affecting both the milit and munitions problems of the Vgar Department. Such uestionsaiilhall be presented to the Secretary of War in the War Council], and his decision with reference to such questions of policy, after consideration of the recommendations thereon by the several members of the War Council, shall constitute the policy of the War De artment with reference thereto." V I 39 169 Sho. 6. That section 6 of said Act be, and the same is hereby, °` ’p` ' amendpd by striking out the same and inserting the following in lieu thereo : . . , "Sr·:c. 6. ADTUTANT GENER.AL,S DEPARTMENT.—Tl16 Adjutant néi»`?Ki$iii;.°°°°r°1s General’s Department shall consist of The Adjutant General with the C°”‘°°Si“°“ °" rank of ma`or general, one assistant with the rank of brigadier general, who shall he Chief of the Personnel Bureau, and one hundred and P fifteen officers in grades from colonel to captain, inclusive. The Per- riliigiigli izpiieriiiiéi. sonnel Bureau shall be charged, under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of War, with the operating fimctions of procurement, assignment, promotion, transfer, retirement, and dis~ I, . charge of all officers and enlisted men of the Army: Provided, That r>ir'i1ii4`$°`er:e¤-riterriir territorial commanders and the chiefs of the several branches of the °°mm“"°‘*”·°°°‘ Army shall be charged with such of the above-described duties within thegé; respective jurisdictions as may be prescribed by the Secretary <> er-" V0. . . Sec. 7. That section 7 of said Act be, and the same is hereby, 139,1, 169 amended by striking out the same and inserting the following in lieu thereof: Inspector Generals "Sr»1c. 7. Issrncron GENERAL’S Dnrsmmmwr.-The Inspector Darenmeet- General’s Department shall consist of one Inspector General with the Compmmm °[` rank of major general and sixty-one officers in grades from colonel to captain, inclusive." Yong p_ ,6,, Sec. 8. That section 8 of said Act be, and the same is hereby, i amended by striking out the same and inserting the following in lieu thereof: judge Advocate "Sec. 8. JUDGE Anvocyrn Gmzr;g,4_L’s Dm;·A1z·rM1:N*r.—The Judge G'g.¤gj*‘;§{f_§g?”°¤*· Advocate Generals Department shall consist of one Judge Advocate p I ` General W’1th_the rank of major general and one hundred and four- ;·,,,,r_,.,_ teen QfllC€1'S_ ID grades from colonel to ca tain, inclusive: P1‘0v'id¢d, mg“;2_‘;" °’ °°’°“‘*** That immediately upon the passage of this Act the number of colonels ° ‘