sixrY.six*rr1 coxcnnss. Sess. II. cs. 227. 1920. 779 Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, not exceeding two years: Provided, ¤g,§“ “°“°*m·*~ That any medical, denta , or veterinary student may be admitted Prcqi—M· to a, Medical, Dental, or Veterinary Corps unit of the Reserve Officers’ t,;]$?lD°p°“m°”t Training Corps for a course of training at the rate of ninety hours of instruction per annum for the four collegiate years, and if at the end of two years of such training he has been selected by the professor of military science and tactics and the head of the institution for advanced trainin , and has agreed in writing to continue in the Reserve OiHcers’ gfraining Corps for the remainder of his course at the institution, and has agreed in writing to pvursue the coiuse in camp training prescribed by the Secretary of ar, he may be furnished, at the expense of the United States, with commutation of subsistence at such rate not exceeding the cost of the garrison ration pre scribed for the Army, as may be fixed by the Secretary of War, during the remainder of his service in the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, not exceeding two years: Promkled further, That any reserve officer who Admission ormswe is also a medical, dental, or veterinary student may be admitted °m°°'S' to such Medical, Dental, or Veterinary Corps unit for such training, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of War may pre- _ scribe; Promkled further, That members of the Reserve Officers, ,,,,;}}§,°‘g§§§,_“V“°° Training Corps, or other persons authorized bg the Secretary of War to attend advanced course camps, shall be pai for attendance at such camps at the rate prescribed for soldiers of the seventh grade of the Regular ·AHuy• Tminln camps "Sr:o. 47d. Tnamme oAm>s.——The Secretary of War is hereby memteziiiucs at tor authorized to maintain, upon military reservations or elsewhere, ’§‘v‘§‘{,‘§‘,,,j"§{;$°°“ ’“ · schools or camps for the military instruction and training, with a view to their appointment as reserve officers or noncommissioned oliicers, of such warrant officers, enlisted men, and civilians as may be selected upon their own application; to use for the purpose of maintaining said camps and imparting military instruction and training thereat, such arms, ammunition, accoutrements, equi ments, tentage, field equipage, and transportation belonging to the United States as he may deem necessary; to furnish at the ex ense of the United States uniforms, subsistence, transportation by tllie most usual and direct route within such limits as to territory as the Secretary of War may . _ prescribe, or in lieu of furnishing such transportation and subsistence to ,,,§’°'°"”‘ °""°’“°“· pay them travel allowances at the rate of 5 cents per mile for the distance by the shortest usually traveled route from the places from which they are authorized to proceed to the camp and for the return travel thereto, and to make the payment of travel allowances for the return `ourney in advance of the actual performance of the same, and medical attendance and supplies to persons receiving instruction at said camps during the period of theu· attendance thereat, to authorize such expenditures, from prokper Army appropriations, as he may deem necessary for water, uel, light, temporary structures, not including quarters for officers nor barracks for men, screening, and damages resulting from field exercises, and other expenses incidental to the maintenance of said camps, and the theoretical winter instruction in connection therewith; and to sell to persons receiving instruc- ,,§§,l,,°§,§§,¥.$§$§§_” tions at said camps, for cash and at cost price, plus 10 per centum, quartermaster an ordnance lpgilperty, the amount of such property sold to any_ one person to be `ted to that which is required for his proper equipment. All mongys arising from such sales shall remain available throughout the fisc year fo owing that in which the salm are made, for the purpose of that appropriation from which the property sold was authorized to be supplied) at the time for the sale. The Secrctag of War 13 authorized further to prescribe the courses _C¤¤r¤ of instmcof theoretic and practical instruction to be pursued by persons °°“‘ attending the camps authorized by this section; to fix the periods `
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