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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/343

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1774 PROCLAMATIONS, 1919. wer in the remises, do hereby find and determine and by this Eoolamation djo announce that it is not now essential in carrying out the guarantees aforesaid or to protect the United States against undue enhancement of its liabilities thereunder, to continue the prohibitions and limitations on the importation and exportation of wheat and wheat Hour into and from the United States, as prescribed in the ,,,,,"§{§°,;,._"*}f,,°§‘ °,{,,R$ above mentioned Proclamation of June 24, 1919, and I order and MM- direct thatsuch prohibitions and limitations on the importation and exportation of wheat and wheat Hour be discontmued and cancelled, 8Hlililliv€VIDwcmbBr 15, IQRSHOF I h h t t h d d v 'FNESS W HE ave ereun o se my an an caused the seal of the United States to be afExed. _ Done in the Di?t1£$fr¢E?1lu(§nbi'?`11:his 213t gay <;§No1w;er1i1beré%1__the yearo ne thousand me un e an me— [sun.] teen and of the Independence of the United States of America the One Hundred forty-fourth. W W oonnow 1Ls0N· By the President: Ronmrr Lausmo, ` Secretary of State.

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_ A PROCLAMATION. {yd A*’m‘¤'“”· WHEREAS under the authority of an Act of Congress entitled `izgeyobgm “An Act_to Iziilovidrczd further for the nation;.] secuiiity ang defense by ’ ’ ‘ encouraging e uction, c t , t Hi the distribution of food prod1i)<ii;6Ia`i1Ii1lgfue;’SIlzAIi1Ie1?;> vlriis gi):-iia.te(il Executive Order, dated A st 10, 1917, a (iiovernmental organization kncgvn as :Er§iR<§i%§i1'1l;UI§u6tgd States Food Administration, and __ _ VERwas `tedU'tedStte Food Administrator with (power to supervigspdliiliect andl carry ilntg effect the provisions of san Act and the powers and authority therein given to the President so far as the same apply to foods, feeds and their heirivative ygodulgzdts and to any! and all practices performed and regu- _ ions authornz or require und r th ` f `d A including the issuance, regulation and revscagigiiliriotlilie (iiari;1 of seiili good at 1xIu£_nistrato;·1 of hlilpder said Act; and in this behalf to can pe ormsuc_acsan_t w th `ed “ lzum from time to time by directiogggg t1il:`°P&i;sid(errii an(il.i·icntil1;]1¥Es(iid)li Eos {md regulagons as should be prescribed by the President from e o tune, an _WHEREAS by Executive Ord f N b 16 19 8 Rickard was authorized and empow€e1i•e(d d Qvmilhglabsehce df Hgiuiii Hoover,_United States Food Administrator, irom the United States 160 xgzzsgcgte tg; gow§rsAa(;1I;i1iaui;’ho1t·gy delggated to Herbert Hoover as it 00 ms ra r, an WHEREAS Herbert Hoover has re d fr th fii United States Food Administrator andslglilgar R(i;l\<ard6h(i1.s (<i;e(i·i:i;ie1d Kertain 422%; lptogverg and aiéthomty of the United States Food dmmis 1 is ime, an WHEREAS itisnow desired to transfer the d th {

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NOW under and by virtue of the power conferred upon me y the prowsxons of said Act of August 10, 1917, and of all