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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/344

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rnocnrxnrsrrons, 1919. 1775 other Acts giving me power in the premises, I, WOODROW WILSON, President of the United States, hereby order and direct as follows: All acts done and authorized by Herbert Hoover, United States A§,f,§§,§{{§{,§'§°{,f,§g°g Food Administrator, as aforesaid, and by Edgar Rickard, acting ¤¤d¢¤¤¤¤¤¤d— for Herbert Hoover, United States Food Administrator, as aforesaid, are hereby authorized, approved, ratified, confirmed and adopted. The jpowers and authority heretofore vested in the United States ,m1§°w,${§,§€ °°,Q'§lf§§_§ Food dministrator, under the authority of said Act of Congress g;gf;”g‘,{,Q_‘;§`,‘%‘;Sm§_i approved August 10, 1917, and the executive orders and proclama- 1>rvrsa¤h,_ roar Au. tions issued thereunder, in so far as theiy ap ly to wheat and wheat ““”“"°°°”` products, are hereby transferred to, an shall hereafter be exercised y Julius H. Barnes, Chief of the Cereal Division of the United States Food Administration, who shall supervise, direct, and carry into effect the provisions of said Act, and the powers and authority therein given to the President, so far as the same apply to wheat and wheat products, and to any and all practices, procedure, and regulations authorized or required under the provisions of said Act, including the issuance, regulation, and revocation, in the name of said Julius H. Barnes, Chief of the Cereal Division of the United States Food Administration, of licenses under said Act relating to wheat and A¤*h<>¤*YV¤¤°¤d- wheat products; and in this behalf he shall do and perform such acts and things as may be authorized or required of him from time to time by direction of the President and under such rules and regulations as map be prescribed by the President from time to time; and tg*¤g>;g;{6r§j§¤**¤°*· there is here y transferred to said Julius H. Barnes, Chief of the Cereal ° " ` Division of said United States Food Administration, all remaining records of said United States Food Administration, and such of the remaining personnel and organization of said United States Food Administration, as he may determine to continue under him as Chief of the Cereal Division of the United States Food Administration as aforesaid, U t All licenses and revocations of licenses and all regulations now in am§S§l’S°S’ ° °" °°°` force, so far as the same apply to wheat and wheat products, shall continue in force rmtil altered or repealed by said Julius H. Barnes. P I t mr The powers and authority heretofore vested in the United States r¤0&"fi»iZ1.$i¤t¤`i,t(}¤¤s- Food Administrator, under the authority of said Act of Congress “‘° A“°'°"’ approved August 10, 1917, and the executive orders and proclamations issued thereunder, in so far as they apply to foods, eeds, and their derivative products, other than wheat and wheat products, are hereby trans erred to, and shall hereafter be exercised b the Attorney General of the United States, who shall supervise, direct, °,‘Q§§;‘,Y,§{.§f,fgY“‘°‘* and carry into effect the provisions of said Act, and the powers and authority therein given to the President, so far as tho same apply to foods, feeds and their derivative products, other than wheat and wheat products, and to any and all practices, procedure, and regulations authorized or required under the provisions of said Act, including the issuance, regulation, and revocation, in the name of the Attorney General of the United States, of licenses under said Act relating to foods, feeds and their derivative products other than wheat and wheat products; and in this behalf he shall do and perform such acts and things as may be authorized or required of him from time to time by direction of the President and under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the President from time to time. _ All licenses and revocations of licenses and all regulations now in ,,,{;§§f,{’S°S* ’“`·· °°"’ force, so far as the same apply to foods, feeds and their derivative roducts other than wheat and wheat products, shall continue in iiorce until altered or repealed by the Attorney General. ·