INDEX. 1827 Afr-i¤a,_Northern, _ _ _ Page. Agricultuqal froductg, House {Infor, _ Pegg, deficiency approprmuon for mterpredzers appmpmuon for mvestxgating uuhty md and guards at consulates in . . . . . 1022 _ econorpy of .. . . 262, 721, 1339 African Slave Trade, I1I¢¢T7|G2i0IIGl.B1lT$t|fof Agricultural }’roduc¢s, Staple, Repressing, appmpniampu for ascertsming cost of pmappro riation for annual contribution. . 744, 1210 _ duction of prmcipal. ... 236, 695, 1316 Agan, Lgargard M. (widow), Ag:-wultural jicport, _ pension ... . . .. . 1617 appropriation for piinting md binding. .9:*2 236 Ayard March ,1 pension. . .’ .. 1. , z ... 1607 Agriculzurgl §chools, etc., Agencus for War Actvmtwa, ‘ appropnauou for reports, etc., 011.. 261, 721, 1339 files, etc., tnnsferred to custody ofdepu·t· Agnculcurg, _ _ _ ments, etc . 233 appropnstxpn for _ , etc., dph. Ayrccmenta, _ relsting @0, mclu cmp and hve exusudix arbitration convention with _ stock cstumfm -.. _ . 1342 I y _,____,,,,_ , ,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,,., 1675 Agnculturc, fnternatwnal Imatute cj, » with Net.hgr]3md5,.,. ,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,.., 1667 appropriation fog quota, etc 7-15, 1211 with Spgin ,,,,__.,_,_,_ E _,,,,,,,_,,,,. 1673 Agua Caliente Ingurn Reservation, Calii, 3 with France mod1fymg' ormet ccnven- a propriatiou r irrigation pro`ect on tion ofoommeres and¤,.. 1723 Aid}; to Navigation (ue also Agricultural Chemiaujy, Bureau, D¥•mnent of Commerce), appmpriatimm fo: mvestigptimm, etc .. 253, for xecutiou Rocks, N. Y . 213 712,1331 jzhguero P. R 213 Agricultural Colleges, etc., forllamtowoc, Wis- . .. ... 213 provisions for establishing Reserve f¤m·Chicag0, Ill., harbor lights .. 213 Officers’ Training Cup): units in . . . 776 for keepers’ dwel1in§s .. 213 Agnbulturul D‘:`pa·rtm¢n¢ (see epartment of for Tomgaldnsvills, . Y., depot . .. 213 Agric ture). forthir district stations ...,... 213 Agricultwjal _ for Alaska . ... 213 appropngzuou for makmg, at State, etc., for fieneml expenses .. 213,927 fmrs ... - .. 271,718, 1337 for ghthouse vessels, general service . . 1416 allotment for N atiousl Dairy Show, for Galveston, Tex., jetty light station . - 1416 Ohgczgu, Ill . 27 1 delicie§§{d agprgpraaggon for Diamond 339 Agrwu.1tura` 2: `ment tatiom, , . ., tvemel ... •ppmpa1ii;n.tionp§>r:· general expenses, Stat;) ger G01111.€8;1};, dgsbio, ligiht, etc., station . ctments .. 260,7 ,1338 or sixteen trict, spot . for increased allotments . - . . 260, 720, 1338 for seventh and eighth districts, repaim. . 516 for coo emtive extension work- 261, 720, 1338 for general expenses ..-... 516 for sefditioual allotments, extension _ estabhshmeut, ebc., of, on Yukon Riveg, york ._- . - 1 --.---... 261, 720, 1338 authorized . 927 for dimemiuxfgxaiwog of . - 2% 721, 1339 authonlgliiiou forlshghthouse tenders and ‘ 058 or stations, as s, awaii, orto `co, t vesse . . . 1 Guam and Virgin Is1a.nds.-. 2Q2, 721, 1339 transfers from Aymy,_ Navy, and leaves oi absence to employees, Virgin Shippm€`Board, 1f smtable etc 1058 Islands ...---..--.- 262 third district; ompkinsvxlle, N. ’Y.,depot 1058 cumulative leaves to employees, fourth district; Delaware Bay, entrance. . . 1058 Alaska, and insular pomessiom 262 sixth district, Charleton S. (Y., depot . 1058 Agnbultural Exmmbn Work, Coogzratiu, seventh distract.; Tampa bay. Ma. . 1058 appropriation for allotments to tate, etc., me and constructing, district depot . 1058 for ..-.. 261, 72), 1338 eighth district; Galveston Jetty, Tex. . 1058 for additional allotments . . . 261, 720, 1339 twelfth district; Ludi u, Mich ...-. 1058 ll f sn? 72 339 h d' Al Dim s. owsnce or county nts ... 1, 1 mxteent ismct; as a. ...- 1058
Food Prjoducts, omervation 1% district depot construction . 1058
hcensing and reqmsiticuing of sugar, etc., Bi%t69I1th district; California ..- . -... 1059 continued uptil December 31, 1920, 386 wut Island depot, Calif .-.- 1059 A of don;lest;:(;0km&§1T‘;Td1me 30, 1920( . . . . 386 uiueteeinth district; Honolulu, Hawaii, 1059 grwultur ucla, etc., sec 0 epot .
C0utr0l_ Act Agneqdmeum), pay of superintendent of naval construc-
Spproprmtxon for dmmbutxng mformamon tion, increased ---.-.-.---.. 1059 of marketing, distributing, supply, Aiken County, S. C'., etc., of .. . . . 265, 723, 1341 bridge authorized across Savannah River, studxes to prevent deterioration in 342 Ga., by Richmond County, sto e, tmnmt, etc ..-... 724, 1 a., an ...-..-..-.-.. 275 for iuv transporting, marketing, Air Patrol, Nahimul Forests, ` epc., of, including market mampuIa— 24 appropgstion for maintaining, to prevent · tmu, coutro , etc ..--... ... 7 es, etc . . . . .·. ..--..-- 728, 1329 Agricultural Lands, Air Service, Arm , appropriation for cooperative soil clasiii- appropriation an employees in 0Gce of _ cation of., ., .. _ - 255, 714, 1333 Chief of, War Department . 12I8 Agmrulturgl _La·n,ds vn Nammal Forests, technical services 1278 appmpmuon for survey, etc., of. - 251, 710, 1329 for aviation iIIBU'l1Cti011 expenses; photo- Aqmjulfwgml Products, etcz, _ graphic supplies, etc- _ 108, 953 act1.v1t1es_ oi War I·`m2.nce Gorporstmn for civilian employees; experiments m · T9V1V9d to HDBDCG €xp01’¤ 0 1084 Aircraft, engines, etc .,__, , , , ,,,.. . , 108