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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/664

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636 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 218. 1922. Executive- EXECUTIVE. €<¤¤r¤¤¤S¤¢i¢>¤· COMPENSATION or THE PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT. P¤=¤*d¤¤¤· For compensation of the President of the United States, $75,000. We P*°$id°¤‘· For compensation of the Vice President of the United States, $12,000. E‘°°““"° °”’°°· ormon or mn rnmsmmrr. =1eSi·¥:i;w’ mmm Salaries: Secretary, $7,500; executive clerk, $5,000; chief clerk, $4,000; a pointment clerk, $3,500; record clerk, $2,500; expert stenograpliiers—one $3,000, one $2,500; accounting and drsbursmg clerk, $2,500; two correspondents, at $2,500 each; clerks——two at $2,500 each, four at $2,000 each, seven of class fo1u·, two of class three, four of class two three of class one; messengers——three at $900 ,,m_,__0 each, three at $840 each; three laborers, at $720 each; in all, $80,880: De¢aus`erempl¤yees.Pr01f£ded, That em loyees of the executive departments and other establishments of tlie executive branch of the Government may be detailecl from time to time to the office of the President of the United 0 . States or such tempor assistance as may e necessa . C mngmupgml Contingent expenses:%r contin ent expenses of the Egrecutive Office, including stationery, record books, telegrams, telephones, books for library, furniture and carpets for offices, automobiles, expenses of garage, including labor, special services,_and miscella- ,,,,,1,,;,, and b,Dd_ neous items, to be expended in the discretion of the President, $36,000. ing. _ For printing and binding, $3,000. pe'§;§§§‘{‘,g,,’*,§;;,€f,§j Traveling expenses: For traveling and official entertainment pm:. p.rsao. expenses o the resident of the United States, to be expended in his discretion and accounted for on his certificate solely, $25,000. E‘°°‘""° M“”“°”· nxncurrvn Mansion AND cRoUNns. Care,repair, etc . . . For ordinary care, repair, and refurmshing of Executive Mansion, to be expended by contract or otherwise, as the President may Fup, determine $50,000. G,,,,,,,,m,$_ For fuel for the Executive Mansion and greenhouses, $12,000. $9%%% care and maintenance of greenhouses, Executive Mansion, For repair to greenhouses, Executive Mansion, $3,000. m Q For reconstructiu eenhouses, Executive Mansion $6,000. Imp vm wand" For improvementémgdi maintenance of Executive Mansion grounds mm (within iron fence), $10.000. ` For constructing new iron fence in grounds of Executive Mansion L,g,,,,,,g_ between the mansion and the south lawn area, $4,000. For lighting the Executive Mansion, grounds, and greenhouses, including all necessary expenses of installation, maintenance, and repair, $8,600. Alien Pr rt u - axiirm. °p° Y C S ALIEN PROPERTY CUSTODLAN. Services, supplies, _ emo _ _ For ex enses of the Alien Pro crt Custodian authorized b th 4rlp;;.4£_3gv,4ii.i1l°L Act entitled "An Act to define, Iiegdlate, and punish tradingywitli """·P·3°‘· the enemy, and for other purposes, ’ approved October 6 1917, as amended; including personal and other services and rental of quar-

 in the liistrict of Columbiadland elsewhere, per diem allowances

in eu 0 _ su sistence not excee $4, travel1ng` ex enses, rinti and bmding, law books, books ofnriference and perid)dicals, gupplieg Ewa,. _ _ and e<}u1pment, and maintenance, repair, and 0 eration of motorem r¤s¢¤m<>¤· propel er] Passenger-ea1·?ing vehicles, $370,000: Igrovided, That this appropriation not e available for rent of buildin in the District of Columbia if suitable space is provided by the Public Buildin Commission. gs