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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/665

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SIXTIVSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 218. 1922. 637 ARLINGTON MEMORIAL BRIDGE COMMISSION. Bgggggggmllggggriel To enable the commission created by section 23 of the Public ,§,“’§“*i€g;*ggs%¤g{,; Buildings Act approved March 4, 1913, to investigate and report to grideelrétc. lg Congress a suita e de? for a memorial bridge across the Potomac V°1‘37’ p‘885‘ River from the city of ashington to a point at or near the Arlington estate, in the State of Virginia, together with such surveys and estimates_ of cost as they may deem a visable, to be expended under the diregggn of the commission and to remain available until expended, $25, . BUREAU or Ermcinncr. E”°‘°“°’“’“'°““· For carrying on the work of the Bureau of Efficiency as authorized peiizlgzil md °x` by law, inc uding salaries and contingent expenses; supplies; stationery; urchase and exchange of equipment; printing and bindingtraveling expenses; per diem in lieu of subsistence; not to exceed $100 for law books, ooks of reference, and periodicals; and not to ,,,0,,,30 exceed $150 for street car fare; in all, $145,000: Provided, That no Payreén-mon. person shall be employed hereunder at a rate of compensation exceeding $1,800 per annum except the following: One at $7,500, one at $6,000, three at $4,250 eac , eight at $4,000 each, three at $3,600 each, one at $3,500, two at $3,250 each, five at $3,000 each two at $2,750 each, three at $2,400 each, and Eve at $2,000 each. civn. snnvicn commission. 2;‘;;L.S°"*“ °°m· Three ccémmissigpers, at ,%%,002h each; chief pximigpgl @,500; l°Z§°”’°m°{ secret , 2,500: r _ , at esecretaryo te ` rvice `- Comniisrzion shall be deemed an emploglee for the purposes of this Stm°°‘°°°r°t°U' Act; assistant chief examiner, $2,400; c `efs of divisions—one $2,400 (who shall act as assistant secretary), two at $2,000 each; `certihcation clerk, $2,000; examiners——seven at $2,400 each, three at $2,000 each, six at $1,800 each; clerks-——six of class four, twenty-eight of class three, thirty-nine of class two, fifty-two of class one, thirty-four at $1,000 each, twent —two at $900 eac ; messenger, $840; assistant messenger, $720; skillbd laborer, $720; four messenger boys, at $420 C tm { each. Custodian force: Engineer, $840; general mechanic, $840; "S ° °”°°‘ telephone switchboard operator, $720; two Bremen, at $720 each; two watchmen, at $720 each; two elevator conductors, at $720 each; glgiéee laborers at $660 each; four charwomen at $240 each; in all, 5,420. For additional employees for the Civil Service Commission, $100,000: ..§iY°°m°“°l °“°‘°" Provided, That no person shall be employed hereunder at a rate of {,`§;,"‘,{§,,c,,0n_ compensation exceeding $1,800 per annum, except five at $3,000 Expenses aimaxgseach: Provided further, That $40,000 of this amount may be ex- *'°°°""l"I°°““· pended only in connection with all expenses incident to investigations and research as to the character an training and experience of applicants for examination. Field force: District secretaries-—two at $2,400 each, one $2,200, *"°""°'°°· four at $2,000 each, five at $1,800 each; clerks—one of class four, one of class three, one of class one, seven at $1,000 each, six at $900 PM _ Bach, five at $840 each; messenger boy, $480; in all, $45,680: Pro- ESa°§.?°°§,}ESt., mud, vided, That the Civil Service Commission shall include in its estimates gfg;§j‘g{é mm mmfor 1924 items covering the field force detailed from departments and ` offices, and the heads of such departments and offices shall in their estimates for 1924 make correspondixiigl reductions in the appropriations from which the employees det ed to the Civil Service Commission have been paid.