SIXTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 218. 1922. 643 For all other authorized expenditures of the Ra.ilroad Labor Board §},f’}§‘°;f"g’,{°s°& in performing the duties imposed by law, including personal and other ' services in the District o Columbia and elsewhere, supplies and equipment, law books and books of reference, periodicals, printing and binding, traveli%_ expenses, per diem in lieu of subsistence, rent of
Uh the gtrict of Columbtia of spacp is not; pgovglledgigtthp R¤¤¤~
ic u dings ommission, ren o quar ers ou S1 e e ric of Columbia, witness fees, and mileage, $255,000. SMITHSONIAN 1Nsrrrur1oN. u££*"“S““‘““‘"‘“°‘* bgntemagonal exchéinges: Fo; pho system of internagionzil exdclhanges chiiig§m°°°1 °X` tween the United tates an orei coimtries, un er the ection of the Smithsonian Institution, incgilding necessary employees and purchase of necessary books and periodicals, $45,000. _ American ethnology: For continuing ethnological researches among ““°“°‘“’ E“‘”°’°¥Y· the American Indians and the natives of Hawaii, including the excavation and pleservatfon of archzeolcigii<;·emains under thp directiorii of the Smit onian nstitution inc u g necessary employees an thin purchase cg réeczsisary bgolgi and Ifpeiiilodicals, $4%-$000.11 Inmmmml cat ternation at ogue o ienf c iterature: or the coo era- lo isc: ua me; tion of the United States in the work of the International_Catal}bg1ue g"*%£°? an c of Scientilic Literature, including the preparation_of a classified .111 ex catalogue of American scientific publications for mcorporation m the International Catalogue, clerk hire, purchase of necessary books and periodicals, and other necessaiI;y incidental expenses, $7,500. _ Astmphysiulobsaw Astrophysical Observatory: _ or maintenance of the Astrophysical awry- Observatory, imder the direction of the Smithsoman Institution, m- cluding assistants, purchase of necessary books and (periodicals, apgaratlntus, making lrxplessary obstprvations in high altitu es,$ an terations o d].IlgS· , an m1scell` aneous expenses, ,500. NATIONAL Musmm. :;;,1mm `ture, etc. For cases, furniture Extures and ap liances required for the exhibition and safe·keeping’ of collections, iiicluding necessary employees, $20,000* _ _ Hwtin , u-. · li °5ihl“$ii“g’ “gl“”g’ F1°°“'i°?l’ §°l°g{“Fl“ °’tZ$‘ ?OE‘?§£*l2€i§§.lL‘i§’e g so mcu e urc aseo anew ee -wa e ea in the lllitural) History Building, $73,000; _ _ _Pr¤scrving mum. For continuing preservation, exhib1tion,_and increase of collections “°"$·°‘°· from the surveying and exploring expeditions of the Government, and from other sourcesi inctlud1ngB:iiie=;;>!(;·asza'gr%0gmpl1oy§re;;viz;lHgSotghreé· necess ex enses, an no exc illustrgtiibns fiir publications, $312,620; , p _ R.,,,.,;,,,,,t,,_ For relpairs of buildmgs, shops, and sheds, mcluding all necessary labor an material, $10,000; _ _ B.,..kS,.,,,,_ For purchase of books, pamphlets, and periodicals for reference, $2 ,000, · Postage. F oxgpostage stanltps and foreign postal cards, $500; In l, National useum, $418,120. National Umm of NATIONAL GALLERY or ART. A"' S For the administration of ghg National Gallery of fArt by the peiiglcgmmmmn cxmithsonian Institution including compensation o necessary employees and necessaryiincidental expenses, $15,000. rnrxrmc AND nmnzme. ,,,§""““‘¥ °“d "““" For printing and binding the Annual Reports of the Board of "·“°““°“‘· Regents, with general appendixes, the editions of which shall not exceed ten thousand co ies, $10,000; under the Smithsonian Institution: For the Annual Igeports of the National Museum, with general