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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/672

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644 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 218. 1922. ap endixes, and for printin labels and blanks, and for the Bulletins ang Proceedi vs of the Ngrtional Museum, the editions of which shall not excexea four thousand copies, and binding, in half morocco or material not more expensive, scientific books and pamphlets resented to or acquired by the National Museum Lrbrarfy, $37,.600; i)0r the Annual Reports and Bulletins of the Bureau o American Ethnology, and for miscellaneous printing and binding for the bureau, $21,000; for the Annual Report of the National Gallery of Art and for printing catalogues, labels and blanks, $1,000; for miscellaneous prmting and binding for the International Exchanges, $200; the International Catalogue of Scientific Literature, $100; the National Zoolo `cal Park, $300; the Astrophysical Observatory, $300; and for the ginnual Report of the American Historical Asso- §§,°"§}’,; M, mm ciation, $7,000; in all, $77,400: Provided, That the expenditure of ¤¤¤- this sum shall not be restricted to a pro rata amount m any period of the fiscal year. ...§.$‘§*..i¥>§°r;:g.¥’°°°‘* STATE, WAR, AND NAVY DEPARTMENT BUILDINGS. ,,,,*§§,§ff““° ’“*’°““‘ Office of the Su erintendent: For an assistant to the Superintendent of the State, Wiir, and Navy Department Buildings in the administration of the force under the superintendent, $3,600. “““"’““"*”g· STATE, WAR, AND NAVY DEPARTMENT BUILDING. °*’“'“°i“g’°'°“‘ Salaries: Assistant superintendent, $2,000; clerks—two of class one, one $1,000; chief engineer, $1,800; five assistant engineers, at $1,200 each; electrical machinist, $1,200; captain of the watch, $1,200; two lieutenants of the watch, at $840 each; thirty-eight watchmen, at $720 each; carpenter, $1,000; chief electrician, $1,400; electrician, $1,200; machinists, $1,000; painter, $1,000; plumber, $1,000; three dynamo tenders, at $900 each; seven skilled laborers or general mechanics, at $840 each; bricklayer, $1,200; messenger, $840; foreman of laborers, $840; chauffeur, $1,000; fourteen firemen, at $720 each; fifteen elevator conductors, at $720 each; two foremen or forewomen, at $780 each; forty-eight laborers, at $660 each; gardener, $720; three attendants, at $480 each; in all, $119,980. °P°¤“i¤¤°*P°¤’°$- For fuel, lights, repairs, miscellaneous items, printing, and city directories, $54,000. BHg,Q]‘;f"·J °'"**°“ wAr.ru=m-.1orrNsoN BUILDING. Opemmgmm Salaries: Engineer, $1.200; three firemen at $720 each; three elevator conductors at $720 each; five watchmen at $720 each; general mechgnic or skilled daborer, $840; seven laborers at $660 each; _ _ atten ant, $480; in a , $15,060. °°°"’°’"g°"l"”‘S°“' For fuel, lights, repairs and miscellaneous items, $8,500.

,,§,‘T°°'"”""°"‘i’“"“‘ POTOMAC PARK orrrcrz ncrmrxcs.

°"°'°“""°'°°· Salaries: For the following employees for the maintenance and protection of the buildings: Assistant superintendent, $2,000; clerks— one of class four, two oi? class three, two of class two, three of class one, two at $1,000 each; three messengers, at $720 each; chief envineer, $1,800; assistant en¤·rneers——one $1,600, four at $1,400 each; storekeeper, 81,200; chief: electrician, $1,600; electricians—two at 81,400 each, two at $1,200 each; foreman carpenter, $1,600; carpenters—three at $1,400 each, four at $1,200 each; foreman painter, $1,400; paInters——two at $1.200 each, two at $1,000 each; plumbers— one $1,400, two at_$1,200 each; steam fitters—two at $1,400 each, one $1,200; machinist, $1,400; four switchboard operators, at $1,200