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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/673

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 218. 1922. 645 each; four general mechanics, at $1,000 each; guards—captain, $1,600, three lieutenants at $1,080 each, three sergeants at $930 each, twenty~three at $780 each, twenty-three at $720 each; fire marshal, $1,080; foreman of laborers, $1,400; two assistant foremen of laborers, at $960 each; six foremen or forewomen, at $780 each; one hundred and forty laborers at $660 each; laborers and char-

v3o1i11en,0$112,200; twenty-one female laborers, at $480 each; in all,

3 ,85 . For fuel, lights, repairs, miscellaneous items, printin , and city °P°'°“”¤ °xP°¤S°¤· directory, inc uding maintenance, repai1·, exchan e, and operation of one motor-propelled passenger·—ca1•·ying vehicii to be used for official purposes only, $185,000. . MALL orrrcr: nnrnnmos. “"“°"“°°"““‘““¤’· Salaries: For the follo employees for the maintenance and 0P°*¤*=*¤€*<¤¤¢· protection of the terlnlporary oéice buildi in the Mall (Units `C, D, E, · and F, located in enry Park, SeatoriL$ark, and the Smithsonian Grounds): Assistant superintendent, $2,000; chief clerk, $1,800; clerks——one of class three, two of class two, three of class one, two at $1,000 each; two messengers at $720 each; chief engineer, $1,800; assistant to chief engineer, $1,600; three assistant engineers, at $1,200 each; storekeeper, $1,200; foreman ca nter, $1,600; carpenters—— four at $1,400 each, five at $1,200 eahh? chief electrician, $1,600; electricians·—two at $1,400 each, four at $1,200 each; foreman plumber, $1,400; two plumbers at $1,200 each; steam fitters—-—two at_$1,200 each; machinist, $1,200; foreman painter, $1,400; two plaeinters, at $1,200 each; eight general mechanics at $1,000 each; men——six at $840 each, seven at $720 each; captain of the guard, $1,600; lieutenants of the guard-——tlu·ee at $1,080 each; fire marshal, $1,080; sergeants of the guard—three at $930 each, one $840; guardseighty at $780 each; foreman of laborers, $1,400; two assistant fore— men of laborers at $960 each; nine foremen or forewomen at $780 each; fifty-e` ht laborers at $660 each· laborers and charwomen, $63,360; ten lgemale laborers, at $480 each; in all, $263,850. _ For fuel, lights, repairs, motor cycle and truck repairs, su plies, O¥’°“"·“‘g°"l’°“’*°‘· and exchange of same, miscellaneous items, printing, and) city directories, $117,000. rmruroaaar nnrwmc (1800 vrnorma Avmzrm). ,8§,}'g,',*;‘jg,·}"°°“°“° Salaries: For the following em loyees for the maintenance and Owwnsfuw protection of the building: Clhrk ol class one; chief engneer, $1,400; assistant engineer, $1,000; six firemen, at $840 cac ; electrician, $1,200; carpenter, $1,200; general mechanic, $1,000; guards-—three sergeants at $930 each, twe ve privates at $780 each; foreman of laborers, $840; foreman or forewoman, $780; ten laborers at $660 each; laborers and charwomen, $5,280; two female laborers, at $480 each; in all, $38,650. For fuel, lights, repairs, ground rent, miscellaneous items, printing, °P'·"“"¤°‘¥’°”’°°- and city directory, $22,300. rmrronanr nmmmcs. "*`°“’P°""*’°“"“'¤~ Salaries: For emplo ees for the maintenance and protection of the B““‘“”¢$‘*°"g”°*°*’- tempora office buildings known as follows: War Trade Building, betweenr`B and C Streets and Twentieth and Twenty-first Streets northwest; Food Administration Buildin Numbered One, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth Streets and 5 and D Streets northwest; Food Administration Building Numbered Two, between New York