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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/674

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646 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 218. 1922. d N` t th d Twentieth Streets north- €;§1iiu6 giiiil DA§i1Iiei§istirIzitionmli’»1i;i‘ldingi»,i1;1N1u1rib¢5reélt Orr; andhTw<€, bo lied b VlI`glDr ` Avenue Eighteent an ree nor wes ; FuLdl1Admi1iristmtion8'Bui1ding’Numbered Three, on D Street, betwgen Twentieth and Twentyfdrst Streets northwest; H. L. Petgzug grin dg ing, on N1neteenthhStr]§et, léetglvgjgn Virgintrg Alvremée 31; d twalrt; th t· dAr `e utt u seven en un re n - opemuugmms. iiiile NZ? 1@oz·Il]§A;¢;;n61e nprthwest: §s;isfantt;1;p§r1(r1I;»;nr)l;21r=1i§,;;)vi;t)); ' ‘ 0 0· nc 0 c ass _ _ . iihxildgqdilcliagg ode; two (ixiiiissengers at $840 eacli; electr1c1ansg—one t 1 200 h· f a enter $1 600· carpen ers— gilgi§(if4bvti?tilr;» ht siiiiio kadi??iii$bg€s—0¤$$r1g%)%0; mg) at_$1,200 h; team iitter $1,400· ainters—t ee_at eac · six eniiiiei:1 mgchanics at él,000 ezicli); assistant eng1neers%0ne $1,2100, three at $1,200 each; thirteen nremen, at §§;0lpac%1; s1itrSc<ra;pg;%rs, pit $720 h· ards—capta1n $1 600 t _ e eu enan a eac eight Ziiggeagils at $900 each, eighty privates at $780 each ;, fire mar; sha], $1,200; foremarrl of labprers, $1,003% two assistantt gcrgirrnepcgf I b , at $840 eac · six oremen an orewomen a e · tfivegiiygsix laborers, at 8660 each; five female laborers, at $480 each; laborers and charwomen, $43,560; m all, $203,480. _ _ 0P¤¤¤¤a°XP¤¤$¤s- For fuel, lights, repaus, ground rent, miscellaneous items, city dir t and rintin , $109,000. S*¤¤>· eww D°g°**· Theolciinimisgion ingcharge of the State, War, and Navy Departxiniigoiiimdmgs m` ments Buildings, to wit, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of

 lN“" ed ”£`° S”°“`iI“‘”' °f ii? N“&;?.t‘§§°t’Z2t;12“;i.‘“§§‘,§.%2.;i,‘2i;`2i$$3

Y ¤¤ Om . 0 ac mrc purc asc, so as _ _ _ _ <>¤g·iiifig?mn°u pm by them toybe reasonable and fair, otherwise bg condemnation in V°"°·p‘m‘ accordance with the provisions of the Act of ongress, approved August 30, 1890, providing tin- fansite for the enlsrrgerigept of gre Government Printing Office the 0 owin squares 0 an or pu 10 purposes, to wit, the whple of lslquares lilnovgn (iis niénrbers teast of eight -seven· east of eighty-eig t; one un re an wen y- ourone hyundred, and twenty-five; one hundred and forty-five; one_ hundred and fort -six; and one hundred and forty-seven, in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, as officnally recorded in_the officc ,,,$§’2§§‘,,l{_’“ °' °'°° of the surveyor, District of Columbia. The commission IS further authorized to reduce thai area to be aicluxred whelrcdby rieasonhof _ im rovements constructe , or unreasona e prices as e , or or o_ er K#,";’”§,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,- rezgons in their judgment the public interestrs rrilay require: Prerurded, P“*°h¤=*°· That if acquired b purchase, the cost 0 the squares inc u inv expenses incirilentbthereto, shrill ngt lpxceed thi surrx of 81,500,00gi _ _ which sum is ere vauthorize an thesame is ere yappro riate : p,J$€§$" °' °°°“"°`1 Provided further, That the sduares authorized to be acquired) herein shall be under the control o the Superintendent of the State, War, and Navy Departments Buildings. Tmg C°’¤m”S‘°¤· TARIFF COMMISSION. S“*“"”°°‘*°‘P°““°5· For salaries and expenses of the United States Tariff Commission, including purchase and exchan e of labor-saving devices, the ur- ¤ . . g P 7 chase of professional and scientific books, law books, books of refer- WL i’°· *’· 7°5· ence, and {periodicals as may be necessary, as authorized under Title VII o the Act entitled “An Act to increase the revenue, and for other purposes," approved September 8, 1916, $325,000. Gmpmc B°°'°· Uxrrno sryrns onooruiruro BOARD. P"“"“g“°°bmdmg‘ For printing and binding, $1,000.