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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/735

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 249. 1922. 707 For improvement and maintenance of grounds south of Executive uwé °’ E’°°°“"° Mansion, $4,000. ` For ordinary care of greenhouses and nursery, $2,000. tG¤·¤¤h•·¤·¤» 1>¤r¤» For repair and reconstruction of the greenhouses at the nursery, °°` $3,000. For ordinary care of Lafayette Park, $2,000. For improvement and ordinary care of Franklin Park, $1,500. For improvement and ordinary care of Lincoln Park, $2,000. For care and improvement of Monument Grounds and annex, ,,,,§°““‘“°“‘°’°“““s· $7,000. 4 For improvement, care, and maintenance of Garfield Park, $2,500. For construction and repair of post-and—chain fences, repair of high °°“°'°' '°*’“"· °"‘ iron fences, constructing stone cop` about reservations, painting watchmen’s lodges, iron ences, vaselsljlamps, and lamp-posts; repairing and extending water pi es, and purchase of apparatus for cleaning them; hose; manure, and) hauling same; removing snow and ice; purchase and repair of seats and tools; trees, tree and plant stakes, abels, lime, whitewashing, and stock for nursery, flowerpots, twine, baskets, wire, splints, and moss, to be urchased by contract or otherwise, as the Secretary of War may d)etermine; care, construction, and repair of fountains; abating nuisances; cleaning statues and repairing pedestals, $18,550. For improvement, care, and maintenance of various reservations, uggmgtgw-»°**¤"* includi office rent, the maintenance, repair, exchange, and opera- ’ ` tion ofuairee motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehi es to be used only for official urposes, an the o eration, maintenance, repair,

20 ofp motor cycles and Bicycles for division foremen,

Hlgmaibimpmvement, care, and maintenance of Smithsonian grounds, Por improvement and maintenance of Judiciary Park, $2,500. , For laying cement and other walks in various reservations, $3,500. For broken-stone road` covering for parks, $10,000. For curbing, coping, and flaggin for park roads and walks, $2,000. For care and improvement of §lock Creek Park and the Piney P,§§,‘i*§',?f_¥c§“'§,‘§§ Branch Parkway, including not to exceed $500 for repairs to the way. su%erintendent’s residence, $30,000. _ or improvement, care, and maintenance of West Potomac Park, P°‘°'“°° P‘“"·

 grading, soiling, seeding, planting, and constructing paths,

For oiling or otherwise treati macadam roads, $8,000. For care and improvement otigliast Potomac Park, $35,000. s For the maintenance of a tourists’ camp in East Potomac Park, '*`°°"¤'*’°°¤P· 5,000. $51;)%:) care, maintenance, and improvement of Montrose Park, M°¤**°¤¤ *’¤**·


_ For placing and maintaining special portions of the parks in condi- °‘"°°°”p°“"‘ tion for outdoor sports, $15,000. _ _ mgor improvement, care, and maintenance of Meridian Hill Park, “°"d'°“H‘“P‘“"· ,000. For care and maintenance of Willow Tree Park, $1,500. $1%% care of the center parking on Maryland Avenue northeast, For operation, care, repair, and maintenance of the pumps which 'V¤i¤¤ S*¤¤<>¤ PM operate the three fountains on the Union Station Plaza, $4,000. pm"` _ To provide for the increased cost in lpark maintenance, $50,000. P°'*‘ “‘““"°“’“"’°· For care of the center arking in ennsylvania Avenue between Second and Seventeenth §reets southeast, $2,500. _ _TIDAL Basm nyrumc nmon: For urification of waters of the be'§§f’B“"‘ "“““"' Tidal Basin and care, maintenance, and operation of the bathhouse and beach, $12,000.