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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/736

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708 srxrr-snvnrrn conennss. sm. 11. GH. 249. 1922. c0,l?;d¤*¤¢ p}’:°°*‘ ‘°' For construction of bathing beach and bathhouse for the colored romifiaté. po ulation of the city, $25,000. _ _ ger necessary repairs to the statue of General Washington 1D Washington Circle, $2,000. For care and maintenance of Mount Vernon Park, $1,000. E¤s=¤¤¤*·¤*¤· Fpr éhel employrpent ofd an engineer by the oiHcer in charge of ub ic ui di an groun s, $2,400. P For ptirchiilsié and repair of machinery and tools for shops at nursery, and for the repair of shops and storehouses, $1,000. _ (*;;{,2°*¤¤ P°*’“° Livhting the pu lic groun sz For lighting the public groun_ds, gr watchmen s lodges, offices, and greenhouses at the propagating gardens, including all necessary expenses of installation, mamtenance, H mg m *° ani]? mli1air’§24’0&). hm lodg d eenh t th °° ° °°S·° · or ea offices, watc en’s es, an gr ouses a e propagatiniguigardens, $6,000. ,,,*},g;*,S§:,:,*.:;·%;’,;,t Rocx cnnnx AND ro·roMAo PARKWAY commission. IDISSIOD. h,*}f§“*‘*“g "‘“‘"°‘““ To enable the commission created by section 22 of the Public Build- V¤1.37.p $85- ings Act approved March 4, 1913 (Thirty-seventh Statutes at Large, page 885), to continue proceedings toward the acqmsition of lands P,,,,,,,,,_,_ required for a connecting arkway between Potomac Park, the Zoolo- Areevwwd- gical Park, and Rock Greg: Park, $100,000: Promkled, That the total area of lands finally to be ac uired for said parkway shall not exceed the area gud girce s cbescribeid ani? degpged on mtaphnugiberegl twq; containe in ouse ocument um r 1114 o the ixty- ourt Congfess, East sespion, ahrid thedadditionag lapxds $111 gquageis twenty— five undre and ort —t ee an twent — ve un e an orty- our Vol.41,p· described in the Sundyry Civil Act apfprfived June 5, 19202 Pl‘0’v7id€d °°“"”‘°“S“"¥’°‘“d· further, That the expenditure of the unds appropriated herein shall V°i· i{”»_¥‘·2"2· be subject to all the conditions imposed by the Sundry Civil Approi¤§er?§ia(i$zi);*1s;)ialtdI;>€imri: priation Act approved Jul 1, 1916: Promded further, That in order

 *1**** °‘ R°°k to plrotect Rock Creek and, its tributaries, none_of the moneys herein

' 0; eretofore appropriatedufqp the opelrpngi widemggéoqr e1§ten%ng o any street, avenue, or 'g way in the istrict o um 1a s a be ex ended for the o enin , widenin , or extension of any street, avenule, or highway which shall or mag in the judgment of the District Commissioners permanently injure or diminish the existing flow of Rock Creek or any of its tributaries, nor shall permission so to do at private expense be granted to any private person or corporation excegt by the joint consent and a proval of the Commissioners of thai dstrict. of Columbia and the ofiiicer in charge of Public Buildings ann `rounds. °¤°*=°*°"¤B**‘¤°· osonenrown smnen. ¤gKm°l°°l°g°°nS°m°` _ For completing the construction of the bridge authorized in sec- V°*·$°·¤· 1% tion 1 of an Act entitled "An Act to rovide for the removal of what is now known as the Aqueduct Bridge, across the Potomac River, and for the building of a bridge in place there0f," approved May 18, 1916, $250,000. N°“°'”*‘ z°°*°¤*°¤* NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK. Park. Lxp`°°S°°‘ For roads, walks, bridges, water supply, sewerage, and drainage; grading, lanting, and otherwise improving the unds; erecting P. . . . gm and repairing buildin and mclosures; care, subsistence, dpurchase. and transportation ofgznimals; necessarv employees; inci ental expenses not otherwise provided for, including purchase, maintenance, and driving of horses and vehicles required for official purposes, not