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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/742

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714 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 250. 1922. mPi¤<=¤W¤*l= •¤P*°Y· Sec. 4. That such employees as are engaged on piecework, by the Cbniputahm to de- hour, or at per diem rates, if otherwise entitled to receive the addi- ‘°"'““"*‘°" tional com nsation, shall receive the same at the rate to which they are entitlegc in this Act when their fixed rate of ay for the regular working hours and on the basis of three hundred) and thirteen days {{j”m;,*•;wmmm_ in the said fiscal year would amount to $2,500 or less: Promkied, plcvwsuwptw- That this method of computation shall not apply to any per diem eméiloyees regularly paid a per diem for every dagoin the year.

 no. 5. That the secretary of the Civil Service mmission shall be

deemed ¤¤_¤mpi·>y¤e deemed an employee for the urpo es of this Act. 1.-,$§,’§{,°§’§§‘,{{,°,$,‘§,_°" Sec. 6. That to pay the ad)ditional compensation ovided in this Act to employees of the Government of the United Sliates, there are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the following sums, respectively: L°¤“'•°*'°- morsrarrva.

 °° "" Unitpd States Senate, including seventeen employees who are

authorized to be paid from the contingent fund, $188,520; House of Representatives, $315,000; Lib o Congress, $105,600; Library Building and Grounds, $30,036l;sZchitect of the Capitol, $85,940; Botamc Garden, $12,000. Executive and Judiuu. - nxncirrxvm AND JUDICIAL. p¤¤i¤¤g¤¤iifl•'S¤:°·i¢l;`ld° INDEPENDENT. ormcr:s.——Bureau of Efficienc , $7,200- Civil Service Commission, $87,936; Commission of Fine Alrts, $480; Execugve Office, 3%),560; FederalGTrade Commission, @6%; General ccounting ce, $506,400; overnment Printin ce, $957,260; Interstate Commerce Commission, $315,812; l§ational Adviso Committee for_Aeronautics, $15,600; National Home for Disablgd Volunteer Soldiers, $894,000; Panama Canal, $16,800; Rock Creek $1:39 ggltionéalc tgarvléway Cgmlpiissiolri, $720; Smitgsrilnian Instigition, , ; a , ar, an avy epartments u din` gs, $3 ,000; Tariff Commission, $20,000; United States Em loyees’ Compensation Commission, $15,800; United States Veterans’PBureau, $4,013,480. m§§;}jfg§f"’ D°P•'°‘ Exnctrrrvn nnmnrmnnrs.-Department of Agricultnre,$3,232,863; v¤1.·so,p.¤n¤ Department of Commerce, $1,835,159; Department of the Interior, $2,803,092; Deplartment of Justice and the Judiciary, $779,484; Department of abor, $566,832; Na Department, $458,640; Naval Establishment, $78,480; Post Office lirepartment, employees engaged in connection with the distribution, sale, and keeping of accounts of Treasugy tsavings ce(pti§cates,bas provided in the Deficiency Appropriation c approve ovem er 4, 1918, $12,000; De artment of State, $144,000; Treasury Department, $10,724,326; Vgar Departntientkigipggdglg the Military Establishment and all other field activ- 1 ies, , , . &itlt?¤gc°r Og 0$l7DOHl06 tuP6[;¤1'§;I1§bO payable ll'0l11 the revenues of the Post _· ce epar en , , . _{;’;‘,g’g;,m 0,3,% In all, $37_,241,012: Provided, That the_additional compensation "`°“"` E"§.“.E..1”til.l?2"t‘£‘§E.§l§.$B *i$.’2*"£.”°;'i.l’d’ ”i§`i“‘*““°¥i”i°""2 £m“” ‘35i"’h . . . . 10 s e ereinw no eexcee . ml§%$§l,}°i(°l°m°'° Sec. 7. That to pigethe additional compensation provided in this Dmsm www Act to employees o Government of the District of Columbia, the nan-m we ram.-, following sums are hereby appropriated: $1,399,681, of which 40 per '°'°°“°$· ceptum is appropriated out o any money in the Treasury not otherwm d mt i;l;}:)1£0&1;iate<%)_apd 60 per centum out of the revenues of the employees. um ia, $24,960 from the revenues of the water department on account of employees of that department; $52,000 from the revenues of the water department on account of employees of the