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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/748

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720 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 253. 1922. or material issued to the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps in accordance with law shall be furnished from sur lus or reserve stocks of the War Department without payment fiom this appropriation, except for actual expense incurred in the manufacture or issue, 111 so far as said stocks are in excess of actual reqluirements of the Regular °,§’;*S_j;°;%'fg$,*{}e§,{ gg}? Army for the fiscal year 1923: Prouidcdfurt er,_That in no_ case shall ments mr. the amount paid from this appropriation for umforms, eqinpment, or material furnished to the Reserve OfHcers’ Training Corps from stocks under the control of the War Department be in excess of the price ,,_g}d,'}‘,§,*;°g*,},§g‘,;’g,§°d» current at the time the issue is made: Provided {further, That none ' of the funds appropriated in this Act shall be used or the organization or maintenance of additional mounted, motor transport, tank, or ‘air units in the Reserve OfHcers’ Corps. o¤1¤A¤¤»mres,e:¤.oxDNANcE STORES, EQUIPMENT, AND so Foam, RESERVE oFrr0ERs’ TRAINING coars. Am, 0,,,,,,,,,c,, For_ arms and ordnance equipment, including overhauling and °u<$g>m¤¤¤· ¢¤<=· f•¤ repairing of personal equipments, machine-gim outfits, and horse ` equipments for use 111 connection with the Reserve OfHcers’ Training v¤1.as,p.1¤a. Cogps, established by the Act entitled "An Act for makin further an more effectual (provision for the national defense, and for other v¤1.41,p.m. p1u~poses6" approve Jime 3, 1916, as amended by the Act of June 4, 1920, $1 0. cogggg s°*‘°°*-’ °¤d MILITARY sm>r·r.1Es AND EQUIPMENT ron scrroons AND COLLEGES. ighggtssgppgss. For the procurement and issue as provided in section 55-c of the °qv3i.4i,p.'vso." Act approved June 4, 1920, and in section 1225, Revised Statutes, R·$·»“°·m5 Pm- as amended, under such regulations as ma be prescribed by the Secretary of War, to schools and colleges, other than those provided "°‘· *‘» P· "°· for in section 40 of the Act above referred to, of such arms, tentage, and equipment, including the transporting of same, and the overhauling and repair of personal equipments, machine-gun outfits, and Pmvm horse equipments, as the Secretary of War shall deem necessary for onimmai purchases proper rmhtary traimng in said sc ools and colleves, $500: Provided, °‘°1“d°°‘ ‘hat no part of this appropriation shall be expended for the purchase of arms or other ordnance equipment. calgvilian training CIVILIAN MILITARY TRAINING CAMPS. [IS. m&g§¥<>¤”_;¤&§_, For furnishing, at the expense of the United States, to warrant onattendiné, `_ officers, enlisted men, and civilians attending training camps main-

 p‘ 1*** "’r tained under the provisions of section 47—d of the National Defense

·’“·¤t v- 1383- Act of June 3, 1916, as amended by the Act of June 4, 1920, uniforms, including altering, fitting, washing, and cleaning when necessary, subsistence, and transportation, or in lieu of such trans ortation and of subsistence for travel to and from camps, travel allowances M,,m,,,,,,,,,,,,_ at 5 cents per mile, as prescribed in said section 47-d; for such expenditures as are authorized by said section 47-d as may be neces- PT ?rOyV£qr(;hrelYp1stablisl?merC§t aipd maintenance of gaild suamps, $1,800,000:

  • >v*!’»*; . . r e , at the un s erein appropriate s not be used for

ntliiehmmmu mm the training of any person who isldveli twenty-seven years of age except those who received trainin within the fiscal ear 1922 and except veterans of the war with germany who may he accepted if `};Mgm¤fé§&§>m not over thirty-five years of age: Provided further, That uniforms and ' Y um other equipment or material furnished in accordance with law for use at civilian military training camps shall be furnished from surplus or reserve stocks of the War Department without payment from this appropriation, except fer actual expense incurred in the manufacture or issue, in so far as said stocks are in excess of actual