SIXTY·SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 253. 1922. 72]. re uirements of the Regular Army for the fiscal ear 1923: Promkled ¥"‘°°°“"°”°°°°‘m*j fuilther, That in no case shall the amount paid frog; this appropriation gown my for uniforms, equipment, or material furnished in accordance with law for use at civilian military training camps from stocks under control of the War Department be in excess of the price current at the time the issue is made. .4.n.1U·rAN·r GENEB.AL’S OFFICE. 0gg{****¤‘ °°¤°'°*'¤ Salaries: Chief clerk, $2,750; assistant chief clerk, $2,400; five °*"“*‘°P°'°°¤°•“¤- chiefs of divisions at $2,400 each; twelve principal clerks at $2,000 each; clerks—eighty-nine of class four, ninet of class three, one hundred and fifty-four of class two, three hundred and eighty-eight of class one, forty-eight at $1,000 each; engineer, $1,400; emen—one $1,000, one $720; skilled mechanic, $1,200; thewriter repairer, $1,100; eighteen messengers at $840 each; thirtggve assistant messengers at $720 each; four watchmen at $720 eac ; Eve skilled laborers at $840 each· twenty laborers at $660 each; eleven messenger boys at $480 each; eleven charwomen at $240 each; in all, $1,148,490; all employees provided for by this p aph for The Adjutant General's Office of the War Department slfsllrbe exclusively engaged on the work of this office for the fiscal year 1923. For expenses incident to completion of the work of furnishing to ,,,, ,,,€,§§,§§ adjutants general of States and the District of Columbia statements of g¤g_y°;·;,•**j"L¤ Sam service of all persons from those Statw and the District of Columbia wma wm. who entered the military service during the war with Germany, including the employment of clerical and other help in the office of The Adjutant General of the Army, $230,000, to be immediately available. ormcm or rm 1Ns1·Eo·ro1i ennmzaa. °°°°"*" Salaries: Chief clerk, $2,000; clerks—two of class four, two of class CiVm·¤¤P¤’¤¤¤¤¤ii¤- three, three of class two, four of class one, one $1,000; messenger, $840; in all, $19,640. orrxcn or THE JUDGE Anvocyrn GENERAL. ,,§,'%;’§,§,’§’°”’°G°* Salaries: Chief clerk and solicitor, $2,500; patent expert, $3,600; °"“"‘“"°"°““°"“· clerks—two of class four, four of class three, six of class two, twenty of class one, two at $1,000 each; messenger, $840; assistant messenger, $720; four charwomen at $240 each; in all, $53,020. FINANCE DEPARTMENT. F¤¤·¤¤•¤•1»r¤¤¤¤¤~ rar, aim so roam, or rim Amar. Pj(“»g,$fi;?{,g*;{¤¤v· PAY or 0FF1cEBs: For pay of officers of the line and staff $33,- ,,:“,{"° '“‘° mu "°‘ 890,771: Provided, That after January 1, 1923, the sum herein ap- %?g°•°; mm an propriated for the ay of officers shall not be used for the pay of ¤¤avsim,¤mu•¤u- u;0;·§ tliiipgltlwelve tlilousagd flzommissioned ogcers on the activedlist "’ '*'m‘ o_ e arArmyan teem encyocersmserviceunergoing physical reconstruction: Prdcoigled further, That on and after gr§ii»mcal?•i¤&.°°°h anuary 1, 1923, there shall be officers as now authorized by law }C§};,‘},{§g§f’°· excedgt that there shall be four hundred and twenty colonels, live hun ed and seventy-seven lieutenant colonels, one thousand five hundred and seventy-five ma'ors, three thousand one hundred and fifty captains, two thousand nine hundred and sixty-seven first heutenants and one thousand seven hundred and seventy-one second lieutenants, and those numbers shall not be exceeded except as hereinafter provided; nine hundred and eighty-three officers of M°dl°`m°°"°m°°°' 42150¤_•)3_ {I1
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/749