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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/750

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722 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 253. 1922. the Medical Cor s, one hundred and fifty-eight officers of the Dental Corps, one hundred and twenty-six officers of the Veterinary Corps, chaplains- seventy-two officers of the Medical Administrative Corps, and one d1j,¤_*g,ivvi¤¤S¤¤¤*¤· hundred and twenty-five chaplams; and the numbers herem prou vided shall include the oiicers of Philippine Scouts who shall continue to be carried on the promotion list and who shall be promoted to grades from first lieutenant to colonel, inclusive, in the same manner as prescribed by law for other officers on the promotion list:

 mg $‘,}’n'§j Provided further, That p)rior to January 1, 1923, there shall be no

nrytivg- romotions to grades elow brigadier general of officers of the hlegular Army except of officers of the Medical Department and Chaplains, and vacancies now existing in any grade below brigadier general not actually filled by the acceptance of an appointment tendered prior to the date of approval of this Act shall not be Elled, '“*¤‘*°'· and beginning January 1, 1923, there shall be no Mpromotions or appointments to any grade or to the branches of the edical Dep_art» ment or Cha lains that would cause the numbers herein authorized E¤=¤l>'=*¤¤=· for such grade or branch to be exceeded, except that the colonels, exclusive of those in the Medical Department and professors, remaining on the active list on January 1, 1923, and not included in the four hundred and twenty `unior colonels on that date shall be carried as additional numbers so long as they remain in that grade and shall _ __ not (plrevent (promotions due to vacancies occurring among the four

 ‘f,,,,,“§{ hnm ed an twent authorized colonels: Provided further, That

omcers in excess of the numbers authorized herein and not removed _ from the active list lg other means shall be disposed of as follows: ,,,’,§°§,‘,?,§’,,£‘;P““m°“° Those of the Medic Department and Chaplains shall, prior to January 1, 1923, be eliminated from the active list as hereinafter Elimination or om. rovided; those other than of the Medical Department and Chap- °”· iiiins shall, prior to Januar 1, 1923, be eliminated from the active

 ¤<1<ii— list as hereinafter provided except that not more than a total of

' eilgalj? huludrel;1 now in grades frggn colczrlielfigo first lieilitenant gnclusivlei s eit er e continue as a ition 0 cers in their a es unf ,m*_$;=¤¤§;¤;ii‘j5$i¤¤r·;gr {2 absorbed, or those in gades below lieutenant colonel shall? in inverse January 1, iam? order of standing on e promotion list beginning with the lowest on the list in each grade, be discharged and recommissioned in the next lower grade prior to January 1, 1923, and officers accepting recommission in a ower grade shal be carried on the promotion l1st in the positions they now occupy and shall, while serving in such lower grade, take rank among the officers of the Regular Army in accordance with their length of service notwithstanding the date of their new commission; and any officer shall be eligib e_for recommission and yegignggggecmn ren ierviire in tgie brgnp mhwhich now commissioned; offficers selected ` ‘° or eimina ion o css t an ten ears’ commissions service ma , Rmmmm upon recommendation of the boardy herein provided for, be discharggd wml moreithan ten with one year’s pay; or those of more than ten years’ and less than

“£n}Fjjr§,’;{* "”°”’Y twenty years’ commissioned service may, upon recommendation of

the board, be placed on the unlimited retired list with pay at the M rate of 2} per centum of their active gay multiplied by the number of . ore than twenty · · - _ years. complete years of such comglnissione service, or those of more than twenty years commissione service ma , u on recommendation of the board, be placed on the unlimited retired gist with pay at the rate of 3 per centum of their active pay multiplied by the number of _ _ comp etelyears of such comnnssioned service, not exceeding 75 per ,,,£§,,“j,"§,'”,,,‘§§",,‘;‘§s‘f’,{‘,}§; centum: romdcd further, That, of the eight hundred or less officers ¤¤d¤*¤<i¤¤¤¤¤=- to_be absorbed or reeommissioned under the preceding proviso, a suitable number of officers in grades from colonel to first lieutenant, inclusive, shall be continued as additional until absorbed and a su1table_number_in each grade from major to first lieutenant shall be recommissioned in the next lower grade, such suitable numbers to be