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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/751

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SIXTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 253. 1922. 723 determined by the President upon the recommendation of the board B°°““°*°°°¤¤¤°¤d- of general officers hereinafter provided for: Provided further, That _ Commissioned smcommissioned service for the purposes of this Act shall include only '°° °°t°"'“"°°‘ active commissioned service in the Army performed while under a pointment from the United States Government whether in the A _ lilegular, provisional, or temporary forces: Provided further, That wariaiiilndriiiiitmig any officer of less than ten years’ commissioned service but of more g§s@,‘j‘;$g;°d *¤ mu °* than twenty years’ service accredited toward retirement or for ` increased pay for length of service may, in lieu of discharge with one year’s pay as herembefore provided, if he so elects, be appointed a warrant officer and carried as an additional number in that grade; _ or he may, if he so elects, be retired with the rank of warrant officer ,a§{’l§‘§i°§§‘§}‘° **8 ‘”“" with pay at the rate of 2 per centum of the pay of a warrant officer multiplied by the number of years of such accredited service: Pro- B d» f Mm vwkled further, That the Secretary of War shall convene a board of esrs°i°rrq° igfiiiiiuemi five general officers which may include retired officers, whose call to °‘““‘“°“°“S·°‘°· active dut for this purpose is hereby authorized, which board, under regigations rescribed by the Secretary of War, shall recommend to the President the officers to be eliminated from the active list under the provisions of this Act, the number of officers in various grades to be recommissioned in the next lower grade as hereinbefore provided, and the number of officers in various grades to be continued as additional nmtil absorbed as hereinbefore provided: Provided P _ further, That officers shall be assigned to the several branches of the merii$’°ii¢i°i»`ia°gei»%% Army so that the number assigned to any branch, except of the *h°“'“Y· Medical Department and Chaplains, shall be 70 per centum of the V°‘·"»P?"°· number prescribed for such branch under the Act of June 4, 1920, but the esident mag increase or the number of officers assigned to any branc by not more than a total of 30 per centum. For pay of omcers, National Guard, $100. N**“°m* G¤*¤°· For pay and allowances of the officers of the Officers’ Reserve C0%°°'S’ R°’°"° Corps, $1,000,000: Promkled, That no portion of this appro riation Proqim. sha be expended for the pa of a reserve officer on active diuty for 1,,$§§‘f’d °’ my “l' a longer period than Efteen diays, except such as may be detailed for duty wit the War De artment General Staff under section 3a and G°“°“‘lS‘°° °“t" section 5 (b) of the Airmy Reorganization Act approved June 4, V°‘·*1»P1>·76°·"63- 1920, or who may be detailed for courses of instruction at the eneral 0****** <*¤¤¤¤- or special service schools of the Army, or who may be detaged for duty as instructors at civilian military training camp? appro riated for in this Act, or who ma be detailed for duty wit tacticag units I of the Air Service, as provididd in section 37a of the Army Reorganiza· V° ‘"’ I" m' tion Act a proved June 4, 1920, or not to exceed three reserve officers in the Jud)ge Advocate General’s De artment, or except one officer of the Medical Reserve Co s: Prmroklgdfurther Thatifnay and allow- Meiical R eserve ances of such additional olgcers and nurses of the edical Reserve C°"’”` Corps as are required to supplement the like officers and nurses of the Regular Army in the care of beneficiaries of the United States G¤r¤¤{V¤wg¤¤s*B¤- Veterans} Bureau treated in Army hospitals may be paid from the `t°§§§}§§2’§is'“ Amy funds allotted to the War Department by that ureau under existaw. mliior pay of warrant officers, $1,800,000: Promkled, That no vacancies K;,*§,‘,,“0'f_f °*“°°'S· in the ade of warrant officer, exclusive of warrant officers in the Reduction in num- Mine Pidnter Service, shall be filled until the number in such grade b"` is reduced to six hundred, and thereafter the number shall not be Bam, hmm not _,_ increased above six hundred: Provided further, That nothing con- fecm. tained herein shall revent the a pointment of qualified band leaders for authorized bangs: Promkled jlirrther, That within sixty days after the approval of this Act the number of warrant officers in the Army sj-N'{§j,,§**§:}f_d”;’c‘_‘{ Mme lanter Service shall be reduced to forty, and thereafter the wfvrrrnumber shall not be increased above forty.