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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/752

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Aviation increase.
Flying service pay extended to all branches.
Vol. 41, p. 768.
For aviation increase, to officers of the Army, $950,000: Provided, That the authorization for increase of flying pay contained in sec 13a of the Act of June 4, 1920, shall be construed to include any officer of any branch of the service who may be ordered bu proper authority to perform duty requiring him to participate regularly and frequently in aerial flights.

Longevity pay. For additional pay to officers for length_of service, $5,209,784.

Enlisted men. Pay of enlisted men: For pay of enlisted men of the line and staff, not including the Philippine Scouts, $56,866,399:Proviso.
Average number provided for.
Provided, That the total authorized number of enlisted men, not including the Philippine Scouts, shall be one hundred and twenty-five thousand.

National Guard.For pay of enlisted men of National Guard, $100.

Enlisted Reserve Corp.For pay of enlisted men of the Enlisted Reserve Corps, $5,000.

Aviation increase.
For aviation increase, to enlisted men of the Army, $200,000: Provided, That this appropriation shall not be available for increased pay on flying status to more than five hundred enlisted men.

Flying cadets allowed.
Vol. 41, p. 1098.
Nothing contained in Public Resolution Numbered 59 of the Sixty-sixth Congress shall be held to prohibit the enlistment of flying cadets to the number of five hundred.

Philippine Scouts.For pay of the enlisted men of the Philippine Scouts, $1,046,000.

Longevity pay.For additional pay for length of service to enlisted men, $2,100,940.

Retired list.
Pay of persons with retired status: For pay of the officers on the retired list, $6,000,000.

On active duty.For increased pay to retired officers on active duty, $207,560.

Enlisted men.For pay of retired enlisted men, $6,000,000.

On active duty.For pay and allowances to retired enlisted men on active duty, $13,600.

Pay clerks.For pay of retired pay clerks, $13,500.

Veterinarians.For pay of retired veterinarians, $3,570.

Headquarters of territorial departments, corps areas, etc.Pay of Army field clerks and civil service messengers at headquarters of the several territorial departments, corps areas, Army and corps headquarters, territorial districts, tactical divisions and brigades, service schools, camps and ports of embarkation and debarkation:Army field clerks, etc. Army field clerks—seven at $2,000 each, thirty-two at $1,800 each, fifty-three at $1,600 each, seventy at $1,400 each, ninety-eight at $1,200 each, sixty-five messengers, at $720 each; in all, $418,800.

Assignment to War Department duty forbidden.No clerk, messenger, or laborer at headquarters of tactical divisions, military departments, brigades, service schools, and office of the Chief of Staff shall be assigned to duty in any bureau of the War Department.

Contract surgeons.Miscellaneous: For pay and allowances of contract surgeons, $41,100.

Nurses.For pay of nurses, $710,000.

Hospital matrons.For pay of hospital matrons, $3,000.

Expenses of courts martial, etc.For expenses of courts-mart1al, courts of inquiry, military commissions, retiring boards, and compensation of reporters and witnesses attending same, and expenses of taking depositions and securing other evidence for use before the same $70,000.

Rental allowances.For rental allowances, including quarters for enlisted men on duty where public quarters are not available, $6,097,644.

Subsistence allowances.For subsistence allowances, $5,316,713.

Soldiers' deposits, interest.For interest on soldiers’ deposits, $100,000.

Expert accountant.For pay of expert accountant for the Inspector General’s Department $2,500.

Loss by exchange.For payment of exchange by officers serving in foreign countries and when specially authorized by the Secretary of War, by officers disbursing funds pertaining to the War Department when serving in Alasks or at Fort Apache, Arizona and all foreign money received shall be charged to and paid out by disbursing officers of the Army at the legal valuation fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury, $5,000.