SIXTY-SEVEN TH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 253. 1922. 731 of subsistence: And d urther, That none of the funds appro- P!{°***°°’ P' '¤°t°' riated or made av able under this Act or any of the unexpended vm M mmctml balances of any other Act shall be used for the purchase of motorpropelled passenger or freight carrying vehicles for the Army except those that are purchased solely for experimental purposes. W t to WATER AND snwnns AT MILITARY rosrsz For procuring and in- ,tp$§§f’ °°w°”' ° " troducing water to buildings and premises at such military posts and stations as from their situations require to be brought from a distance; for the installation and extension of (plumbing within buildings where the same is not specifically provided for in other ap roriations; for the purchase and repair of fire ap aratus, including g.I`B·8.l8.I'D'l systems; for the disposal of sewage, andp expenses incident thereto; for repairs to water and sewer s tems and plumbing; for Pr _ hire of employees, $1,900,000: Provided, 'lyliat not to exceed $25,000 N.;-?°°' construction of this appropriation shall be expended for new construction work. “'°'k '“““°d· noEsEs ron OAVALRY, ARTJLLERY, ENGINEERS, AND so Fonrn. Hvrsas- For the purchase of horses of ages, sex, and size as may be pre- P¤r¢¤¤¤¤.¢¢¢- scribed by the Secretary of War for remounts for officers entitled to public mounts for the Cavalry, Artillery, Signal Corps, and Engineers, the United States Milit Academ , service schools, and staff colleges, and for the Indianagdouts, andy for such Infantry and members of the Medical Department in iield campaigns as may be required to be mounted, an the expenses incident thereto (mclud— _ ing $25,000 for purchase of remounts, and $150,000 for encourage- iD§§f,E’,§%£{°°‘*’ ment of the breeding of riding horses suitable for the Army, including cooperation wi the Bureau of Animal Industry, Department of Agriculture, and for —the purchase ger animals for breeding purposes hmm and their maintenance), $18»0,000:A1?rovid¢d, That the number of Nummfuuucee. horses purchased under this a propriation, added to the number now on han , shall be limited to the actual needs of the mounted service, includin reasonable provisions for remounts, and unless otherwise ordered iy the Secretary of War no part of this appropriation shall be paid out for horses not purchased by contract aleter competition duly invited by the Quartermaster Corps and an inspection under the direction and authorit of the Secretary of War. When practi- ch'Qg;‘} '”°"‘°‘ ¤“”‘ cable, horses shall be purchased in open market at all military posts or stations, when needed, within a maximum price to be fixed by the Secretary of War: Provided further, That no part of this appro- S““"’°'d ‘°q“”°°· priation shal be expended for the purchase of any horse below the standard set by Army Regulations or Cavalry and Artillery horses, except when purchased as remonmts or for instruction of cadets at the nited States Military Academy: And promded lfurther, That no P°*° P°‘“°“· part of this apgxiopriation shall be expended for po oahonies except or West Point i `tary Academy, an such ponies sh not be used at any other lace: And provide further, That the Secretary of War m;§;‘{°P§;‘,‘;§‘,,,ug‘ gif; may, in his discretion, and under such rules and reg;-Llgtions as he ¤¤»¤¤,¤¢¤· may prescribe, accept donations of animals for bree and donations of money or other property to be used asprizes or awards at agriculturalhfaigs, lépise of ows, arid similar eahif itions, m order to encoura e the ree ° 0 ridin' g orses suita e or y purposes: , And prograkd further, 'lghat the Secretary of War shall report annualluyl °' °“’°'“l" to Con ess, at the commencement of each session, a statement of expendglures under this appropriation, and full particulars of means adopted and carried into egect for the encouragement of the breeding of riding horses suitable for the military service.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/759