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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/760

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732 SIXTY-SEVEN TH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 253. 1922. M¤i¢¤w1><>m· murmur Posrs. <><>¤s=¤w¢i¤¤¤f¤¤i1¤· For the construction and enlargement at military posts of such mgériuiieming, ca. buildings as in the judgment of the Secretary of War may be necessary, including all appurtenances thereto, $916,000, includ1ng 9400,000 P···~**·>· t bum for continuing construction of post at Fort Benmng, Georgia: Proingsijputmm vided, 'l`hat apartment buildings may be constructed out of this appropriation at a cost not to exceed $150,000 each, and to provide Ie¤¢r¤¤¤¤ H°¤v*¤¤· for not less than eighteen families each; $55,000 for construction of Cn"` one hospital ward at Letterman General Hospital, San Francisco, ME<iz¢¤;¤g¤ California; $262,000 for general construction at Edgewood _Arsenal w°i§a°l° mp m’ and Camp Lewis; and $198,000 for continumgg construction_ and Di-¤ip1i¤¤rv B=¤· enlargement of barracks for guards at the Unite States disciplmary iidril, L°°v°°` barracks, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. nswssmisuuas. MHJTABY rosrs, HAWAJJAN ISLANDS. S°“°,m“g°“m B‘“‘°** For a. refr1ge' rat' lant at Schofield Barracks, Hawaiian Islands, R mpmt including the nelcfasgsiiry structures and e<1_uipment requisite for completing and placing the same in readiness or operation, $150,000. smexmsa. For construction of six standard storehouses, inc uding all appurtenances thereto, at not exceeding $9,000 each, $54,000. wmv supply, The agprotpriation of $600,000 made in the Deficiency Approl,l$,°§P§Y‘J§°"°”’°°”‘ riation ct or fiscal year ending Jima 30, 1921, which was approved gums 16, 1921, for the installation of a ipe line to replace the present water main from Koolau Reservoir toléchoiield Barracks, fiscal year 1922, is reapprotgriated and made available for liscal year 1923: §EgQ"lZ€i°my apps- Provided, That e funds so reappropriated may be expended for °°’*°¤· any modified or alternative supply system whic the Secretary of War on f1u·ther investigation may determine to be more economical and satisfactory. m§f*”°*>*= md ¤¤°*· nannncxs AND QUARTERS. mg°¤S°¤¤°°*°¤·'¤P¤*f=» For barracks, quarters, stables, storehouses magazines, adminis- ` tration and office buildings, sheds, shops, and other buildings necessary for the shelter of troops, public animals, and stores, and for administration purposes, except iliose pertaininfg to the Coast Artillery; for construction of recliimation plants; or constructing and repairing public buildings at military osts; for hire of employees; R¤¤*¤*¤¤°w¤¤¤¤· for rental of the authorized allowance cli quarters for officers, including members of the Officers’ Reserve Corps when ordered to active duty, on duty with the troops at posts and stations where no public quarters are available; of barracks or authorized allowance of quarters for noncommissioned officers and enlisted men, men on duty where public quarters are not available, including enlisted men of the Regular Army Reserve, retired enlisted men, and members of Grounds me sm, the enlisted Reserve Corps when ordered to active duty; for grounds ea. for cantonments, camp sites, and other military urposes, and for buildings or portions of buildings for occupation gy troops, for use as stab es, storehouses, and offices, and for other military purp0ses· Fwnishinsaetc. for the hire of recruiting stations and lodgings for recruits; fo1‘ wall lockers in permanent arracks and refrigerators in barracks and quarters; for screen doors, window screens, storm doors and sash, and window shades for barracks and officers’ quarters, and for flooring and framing for tents, and for the National Guard when called gggfjiggr mmm M_ or drafted into the service of the United States, $3,350,000: Protacbés excluded? vided, That this appropriation shall not be available for rent for military attachés.