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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/761

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sues. II. C11. 253. 1922. 733 . nnmoxs AND commas, PHILIPPINE rsnarms. P‘*“*PP*°°Is'°°°$· Continu` the work of rovidin for the ro er shelter and S“°“°"°‘"°°¤”l“· , ul? HES g P P _ · grotectioprfouoflicexés and e h tniadl men of {lie Alisany (if the United tates a u y on uty in the iippine san , mc ud1ng` repairs and pa ent of rents, the acquisition of title to building s1tes, and such adyrlilions to existing military reservations as may be necessary, and including also shelter for the animals and supplies, and all other buildings necessary for dpost administration purposes, and for shelter R ms I Cum

g0r(;>(§>0ai1·Pthereof, SE1 trentals tforfUni1ted Staltiejltiroops indCl5ir;a, ° '

, zrmnded ano—arosa1 sums eexpene or ·-,, _ the construction oi clparters i)o;loflficelr·s of the Army except in I og o emergency with t_ e alépgov 0 the Secretary o War, in whic case the totaéx cost, mcilzu g the heaiting taixd p umliing apparatps, wiring, and tures, s not excee in e case 0 quarters o a general officer the sum of $8,000; of a colonel or officer above the rank of captain, $6,000; and of an officer of and below the rank of captain, $4,000. Bows, warns, wnxxvns, AND nmunxon. Rmds w¤¤¤v¤¤. ¤¢¤· For the construction and replair by the Quartermaster Corps of ,,,§{°“S°“‘°°‘°“·'°*’“"S· roads, walks, and wharves; for the pay of employees; for the disposal of drain e· for dre vin channels; and for care and i1n rovement . E 7 g P Provnso of groun at military posts and stations, $500,000: Provided, That Camps,. etc., exnone g; the fipidstlpppropriated or made availa£ble underis this ailkgt °'“°°°· or e permanent_construction o any roa w · or wharves connected with any of the National Army cantdnments or National Guard camps. snoomm oanumms nm uname. l _,§,"g;“,j‘?g_ ¤““°"°° For shelter, grounds, shooting galleries, ranges for small-arms Exp°°S°s°!‘ taget practice, inachi11e—gun practice, field-artillery practice, repairs, an expenses inc1dent thereto, including flour for paste for marking targets, hire of employees, such ranges and galleries to be open as far as practicable to the National (Iuard an organized rifle clubs under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of War, $24,800. amrr or nmwrucs, QUARTERMASTER CORPS. Rm- For rent of buildings and parts of buildir;-gs in the District of ¤1%i•liiid`i>ii.m mmm ggljizriigéa 'tio}:·a1tni1li§;1·§ p1;·1£)poses_durir1;gi11ihe fisc year 1923, $112,362: PWM. , priation s not be available 1f space is R,,mc,,,,,,_ providelglmllziy the Pulblic Buildings Commission in Governmentowned ings. sizwmzaon srsrrm, FORT Monson, vmcmm, wmnr, Bows, nm Fm “°¤¤°¤»V¤· snwmz. For re air and maintenance of wharf and apron of wharf, in- wh°"’°°°‘ cluding 51 necessary labor and material therefor, fuel for waiting rooms; water, brooms, and shovels, $15,000; wharfinger, $900; four laborers, $2,880; in all, $18,780; for one·third of said sum, to be supplied by the United States, $6,260. _ Rmds,m_ or rakes, shovels, and brooms; repairs to roadway, pavements, macadam and asphalt block; repairs to_ street crossings; repairs to street drains, $2,500; six laborers cleaning roads,_ at $720 each; in all, $6,820; for two—thirds of said sum to be supplied by the United States, $4,546.67.