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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/762

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734 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 253. 1922. S·*•¤·•'¤· For waste, oil, motor and pump repairs, sewer pipe, cement, brick, stone, and supplies, $1,200· two engineers, at_$1,200 each; two laborers, at $720 each; in all, $5,040; for two—thirds of said sum, to be supplied by the United States, $3,360. H°¤Pi¤'¤· ooNs·rRUc·rroN ann REPAIR or rrosrrr.u.s. ,,,,,({°“"““°“°“* '°p“"’ For construction and repair of hogpitals at military posts already established and occupied, including expenditures or construction and repairs uired at the Army and Navy Hospital at Hot Springs, Arkansas, aired] for the construction and repair of general hospitals and expenses incident thereto, and for additions needed to meet the ,,,,'§p,°’,‘$°Qg‘§' °°'“*’ requirements of increased garrisons, and for temporary hospitals in ' standing camps and cantonments; for the alteration of ermanent buildings at posts for use as hospitals, construction and) repair of temporary hospital briildiplgs at permanent posts, construction and repair of temporary gener hos itals, rental or purchase of grormds, and rental and alteration of builpdings for use for hospital purposes in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, includ` necessary temporary quarters for hospital personnel, outbu.ildingg:I1eating and laundry apparatus, plumbing, water and sewers, and electric work, cook- Qqprggmmuon mb mg apparatus, and_roads and_wa.lks for the same, $529,360: Provided, b,5d,,,,_ Tihat no lpart rmzhis appropriation shall be used for the construction o new ospit . S,$$gf5 "" *‘°“P“·*“ QUARTERS Fon nosrrrar. smwurns. M**i¤*°¤°¤°°· For maintenance and re air of quarters for hospital stewards at military posts ah·eady established and occupied, $10,000. e,3g¤g;,'g,jf¤‘°’ Gm- Orrrcr; or rrrn Qnanrnmrasrnn GENERAL. ¤M1*¤¤v¢*¤¤¤¤¢*¤¤· Salaries: Chief clerk, $2,750; priuci al clerks—two at $2,400 each, five at $2,250 each, four at $2,000 each; clerks—·—twenty-two of class four, thirty of class three, sixty-eight of class two, two hundred and three of class one, twentp-two at $1 ,000 each; draftsmen———one $2,400, one $2,000, one $1,800, our at $1,600 each, four at $1,400 each; electrical engineer, $3,200; marine engineer, $3,500; executive assistant $4,000; architect, $3,600; structural engineer, $3,600; mechanical engineer, $3,600; civil engineers—one $3,600, one $3,000; traffic clerks--two at $2,000 eae , one $1,800; textile expert, $2,000; carpenter, $1,200; mimeograph operator, $1,200; two multigra h operators at $1,200 each; four photostat operators at $1,200 eaclh; b ue—pr1nt operator, $1,000; four blueprinters at $900 each; Eve messengers at $840 each; ten assistant messengers at $720 each; (hmmm, mmm, four laborers at $720 each; in all, $557,780. r:tqrp¤rr_qgrrm.,tr.~., The sum of $50,000 of the appropriation available for the fiscal §;{,,,j{§};Q’§‘,§’{,‘,,,§,§, "‘ year 1923 for the "D1spos1tion of remains of officers, soldiers, and P~<*¢.v·’57» civilian em[goyees," may be expended for personal services in the Cerneterial ivision, office of the Quartermaster General, for com- _ piling, recording, preparing, and transmitting data incident to bring- §,Q‘;,”§,‘,§,;,,,,,,,,,_ ing home and disposition of remains from abroad: Provided, That no person shall be employed under this allotment at a rate of compensation exceeding $1,800 per annum except one person at $3,000. Signmml SIGNAL Conrs. `lgm Semci srcrvar. smrvrcn or mn ARMY. ,,,,'{,§,*,§§§,“S‘{{,’,,,{§f"’ ‘°'* Telegraph andtelephone systems; Purchase, equi ment, operation, etpuuwwpemrinn. and repair- of military telegraph, telephone, radio, caible, and signaling systems; signal equipment. and stores, heliographs, signal lanterns,