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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/763

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SIXTY—SEVEN TH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 253. 1922. 735 flags, and other necessary instruments; wind vanes, barometers, anemometers, thermometers, and other meteorological instruments; hotographic and cinematographic work glelrformed for the Army by the Signal Corps; motor cycles, motor- `ven and other vehicles for technical and official purposes in connection with the construction, operation and maintenance of communication or signaling systems, and su plies for their operation and maintenance; professional and scientific books of reference, pamplhlets, periodicals, newspapers, and ma s for use in the office of the Chie Signal Officer an the Signal Corps School, Camp Alfred Vail, New Jersey; telephone T°*°Ph°¤°S·°*¤· apparatus, including rental and payment for commercial, exchange, message, trunk-line, long-distance, and leased-line telephone service at or connecting any post, camp, cantonment, depot, arsenal, headuarters, hospital, aviation station, or other office or station of the _ Army, excepting local telephone service for the various bureaus E‘°°P“°"· of the War §)epartment in the District of Columbia, and toll messages pertaining to the office of the Secretary of War; electric time service; the rental of commercial telegraph lines and equipment and their operation at or connecting any post, camp, cantonment, de t, arsenal, head uarters, hospital, aviation station, or other ofiiiie or station of (the Army, including payment lfor individual _ _ tele aph messages transmitted over commercial lines; electrical in- ,,_§·,;°§§$;L";}@f°"°‘ staliitions and maintenance at military posts, cantonments, camps, and stations of the Army, fire control and direction apparatus and _ __ materiel for Field Artillery; salaries of civilian employees, includjig C*“1"“‘ °‘“P'°F°°S· those necessary as mstructors at vocational schools; tsgipphes, gener {epairs, reserve supplies, other expegnseagonnec b e liao]- ect'antra.nsn1fo`ormationor yyegraor oth§§vise; experimgx investigation, research, purchase and dievel- ¤e·iiZn£?zi.m°m°l N- opment or improvements in apparatus, and maintenance of signaling and accessories thereto, in uding patent rights and other rights thereto, including machines, instruments, an other equipment for laborator and repair purposes; tuition, laboratory fees, and so forth, for Signal’Corps officers detailed to civilian technical schools for the urpose of pursuing technical courses of instruction along Signal Corps Bum lines; lease, alteration, and repair of such buildings required for stor- pu.,s,.,tL'?”s M S"? ing or uarding Signal Corps supplies, equipment, and personnel when not otgerwise provided for, mc uding the land therefor, the introduction of water, electric light and power, sewerage, roads and P,,,,,,_,,,_ walks, and other equipment required, $1,825,000: r ed, That not m·:g1_;>=m¤ms {yr deuto exceed $475,000 from this a propriation may be expended for sal- °°"’°°° ` aries and wages of civilian enéplloyees; not to exceed $475,000 may be expended for commercial an exxsting Government-owned telephone and telegraph service; not to exceed $500,000 may be expended for signal e uipment for organizations; not to exceed $5,000 may be expended for gg-lgeon service ; not to exceed $25,000 may be expended for photograp c and cinematographic service; and not to exceed Cmp Amd vm, $75,000 mlsiy e expended for the operation and mamtenance of Camp N. 1. Alfred Va` . wxsmscrox-anxsxa mnrranr cum Aim mmcaun srsnm. .,,,§$L'Tg°°"`““*" For defraying th? tcgisiwwf such ext;qsio1ps,Lg;>ieg::emgnfLi opegaétin, ,,tg°°"`°‘°” °X"°“$°“' and maintenance o e ashmgton- as a ary a e an e- graph System as may be approved by the Secretary of War,_ to be plyailvsgble until tif, cllqselpifhtge H%:a%lyeard1¥#§, fron; téie gceceipiisj og e ash1.ng` ton- asa "t aean eegra ysmwc have been covered into the 'l`r8g7sury of the United States, the extent of such extensions and betterments and the cost thereof to be reported to Congress by the Secretary of War, $140,000.