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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/764

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736 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 253. 1922. ,m§;f’*’°“"°* *“s°°“°’ smcoasr nnrmnsns, Urrrrnn sryrns. _ %';‘§g§;‘§§°$· Fordoperation alpd maintenance of fire-control installations at seacoast e BDSBS, $1 0,000. snacoasr nnrimsns, msU1.An rossnssxorrs. Insularpcsscssions. For operation and maintenance of fire-control installations at seacoast defenses, $25,000. snacoasr D1=:F1!:NsEs, PANAMA cANAL.

  • ’¤¤¤¤¤¤°¤¤=*· For operation and maintenance of fire-control installations at

seacoast defenses, $10,000. cme: sigma omeers 0 Om, rmcm or mn Cnmr Srcrur. Ormcnn. Cwmmpm°u°u°` Salaries: Chief clerk, $2,000, clerks—four of class four, four of class three, seven of class two, eight of class one, three at $1,000 each; tpppo $53840 each; one assistant messenger, $720; laborer, · in a , . ,,,?,,'°“,,,,§,?";;’,§,°;;,lY§,‘},‘,j{ Tlie services éf skilled draftsmen and such other services as the

            • 5- Secretary of War may deem necessary may be employed only in the

Signal Office to carry mto effect the various appropriations for fortifications and other works of defense, for the Signal Service of the Pr _ Army, to be paid from such appropriations, in addition to the fore- L,§§’g'f" going employees appropriated or m the Signal Officez Provided, That the entire expenditures for this purpose for the Hscal year 1923 shall not exceed $35,000, and the Secretary of War shall each year in the annual estimates report to Congress the number of persons so employed, theu· duties, and the amount paid to each. AirService. Am Snnvron. AIR snnvicn, Amar. l?°·??$"“""‘ *"'F¥’°*?*· For creati maintainin d f bl` h ' M_ _ h by V g, an opera in at esta is ed flying ¢i<>¤;ii¤1§<iiis.0¢il¤. a ml schools and blihoonschools courses of mstruction for officers, students, and enlisted men, includ1ng cost of equipment and supplies necessary for mstruction, purchase of too s, equipment, materials, machines, textbooks, books of references, scientific and professional Mmm 0pmt_ papers, unstpuments, and materials for theoretical and practical ‘ .- ,’ _ ""‘·1nstruction· or maintenance repair, storage and operation of airmnstmmm em ships,_war balloons, and other aerial machines; including instruments, materials, gas plants, hangars, and repair shops, and appliances of every sort and escription necessary for the operation, construction, or um ~··- °q.`i§§$2§`.€ §.$..‘L1..$€.I.‘.l°€i.‘.Zi·.‘$.€€f.”fZZd“Z‘»§i “l1t”§i”i?}Z" €*’?i° *’§*'“ wi ,.,_ # ·· a eesa is en 0 an mgan Ny liglce-off runways; for purchase of supplies for securing, developing, prmtmg, and reproducing photograp s in connection with aerial photography; improvement, equipment, maintenance, and operation of plants for testing and experimental work, and procuring and introducing water, electric light and power, gas and sewerage, includrmuum N pmdw lng Ialuntenance, operation, and repair of such utilities at such plants; ,,,,,,_ or e acquisition of land or interest in land by purchase, lease, or condemnation where necessary to explore for, procure, or reserve hellum gas, and also for the purchase, manufacture, construction, _ U maintenance, and operation of plants for the production thereof and ecg¤¤1¤¤¤ employees. experimentation therewith; salaries and wages of civihan employees as may be necessary, and payment of their traveling and other necessary