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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/765

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 253. 1922. 737 expenses as authorized by existing law; transportation of materials in connection with consolidation of Air Service activities; experimental investigation and purchase and development of new types of aircraft, accessories thereto, and aviation engines, including patents and other rights thereto, and plans, drawings, and specifications thereof; for the purchase, manufacture, and construction of air- m£,'f"§Z'§i°’°f"i?’,1}‘c,"{,;“§ ships, balloons, and other aerial machines, including instruments, °°°· gas plants, hangars, and repair shops, and appliances of every sort and descrhption necessary for the operation, construction, or equipment of a types of aircraft, and all necessary spare parts and equip- __ _ ment connected therewith; for the marking of · military airways mm °‘""”· where the purchase of land is not involved; for the purchase, manufacture, and issue of special clothing, wearing apparel, and similar _ _ equipment for aviation dpgirposes; for all necessary expenses con- °q£,'§,,°g‘;,‘;g,,‘{,§_"“P'“’ nected with th; sgle or al pqsglmqf surplus (pr olbso pte ]];n.eron;1utiq1al ' uiment,an terent o' •(1ll1gS· ,an oter ac"ties orte .¤. liqandling or storage of such equipment; for the services of such con- e¢g°°S°m°g° °°°°”’ sulting engineers at experimental stations of the Air Service as the Secretary of War may eem necessary, including necessary traveling expenses; purchase of special apparatus and appliances, repairs, an re lacements of same used in connection with special scientific medical, research the Air Service; for printing and binding, including umu sup supplies, equipment, and repairs for such Air Service printing plants P"°“»°“’· outside of the District of Columbia as ma be authorized in accordance with law; for publications, station libraries, special furniture supplies and equipment for offices, shops, and laboratories; for special services, mcluding the salvaging of wrecked aircraft, $12,700,000; P,,,,,m_ Promkkd, That not to exceed $2,750,000 from this appropriation maudmmanwg may be expended for pay and expenses of civilian emp ogees other "”°°°°“' than those employed mexperimental and research wor ; not exceeding $400,000 may be expended for experimentation, conservation, and production of helium; not $3,500,000 may be expended or experimental and research wor with airplanes or lighter-than—air craft and their equipment, including the ay of necessary civilian employees; not exceeding $450,000 may lie expended for the production of lighter-than-air equipment; and not exceeding $324,000 may be explended for improvement of stations, hangars, and glas plants for the Regular Arm : Promkled further, No lm w Thgt notlless t fan $2,053,000 shalldbe lpxpendedy for the production wm °°’° ` an purc ase o new_ airp anes an their equipment, s are parts, P, in ,,,, and accessories: Promded further, That claims not $250in Mm; ‘ d no amount for damages to persons and grivatempropertliresulting from the operation of aircraft at home an abro may settled out of the funds appropriated hereunder when each claim is substantiated by a survey report of a board of officers agpointedely the commanding officer of the nearest aviation ost an a prov by the Chief of umm Air Service and the Secretary of igarz Promgk d further, That claims gg ° so settled and paid from the sum hereby appropriated shall not P,;,,0d,m,,_ exceed in the aggre ate the sum of $4,000; rmnded fw-ther, That ns.,sa·.:s4s,;rna section 3648, Reviseigi Statutes, shall not apply to subscriptions for foreign and professional newspapers and periodicals to be paid for from this appropriation. 1,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,8,, ,,b_ The sum of $48,500 of the a propriation for the Air Service for the 1is¤¢i<>¤s· fiscal year 1920 contained in gre ‘ Act making appropriation for the Bp{’,*;0Ylj“,,‘:,{0n°},;r {gg; support of the Army for the fiscal year engggl June 30, 1920, and for ver 41, p. ma ot r purposes," a proved July 11, 1919, remain available until June 30, 1923, for the payment of obligations incurred under contracts executed prior to June 30, 1920. cmmmmmsssu _ Hereafter whenever contracts which are not to be performed within §g°· °°°·· *°°°*¤****‘ six months are made on behalf of the Government by the Chief of ` 42150°——23——47